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  1. Bellaa


    Welcome to Gazeta!! Gazeta is a newspaper company I have just created that will produce a newspaper weekly for McCities!! Positions! News Collector: As a news collector you go around collecting news, If you ask for news from other players confirm it is true before using it. If you're caught...
  2. Bellaa

    I went to DisneyLand!! (Pictures!!)

    I'm so Excited I went to Disneyland!! Here are just a few of my favorite pictures!! Enjoy!!
  3. Bellaa


    Please call me a liar call me stupid and annoying i dont mind <3 ik i only posted my thread yesterday but it came to my attention (ty @Ena <3 xD) that police apps are open. ever since i joined the server i have wanted to be a cop. I'm gonna apply for police and if i get accepted i will stay <3...
  4. Bellaa


    Yes, i am quitting. I honestly didn't think i would be doing this especially so soon. I have been wanting to do this for a few months now, but i kept making excuses like "you'll miss the server" and of course i will but i wanna do want feels best. Im not giving my stuff anyone but if it does...
  5. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: My username is DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: Creative plot 4 City plot you want the build moved to: City plot i want it moved to is bludhouse-17 Its all oak wood and its kinda like a tree house! :) Thank you for your time.
  6. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: My username is DarkEmeraldXD. Creative plot: The Creative plot is 4. City plot you want the build moved to: the city plot i would like it moved to is bludhouse-17 the house is quartz and it has quartz slabs on the bottom and top, it has glass panes around the outside of the top, and...
  7. Bellaa

    I met a celebrity!!

    Guyss!!! you won't believe what happened today! I met a celebrity!! I have took a picture and its down here! *points down*
  8. Bellaa

    recruiting people for my musical!

    I am putting on a musical about the history of mcCities! it is 2 short songs because it would be hard to memorize a big long musical xD the songs are about the arch abuse and the owner wars. Application format. In-Game name: Character you want to play: Are you good at memorizing lines: Why you...
  9. Bellaa

    The final goodbyes xD This was a slightly sad situation not gonna lie xD
  10. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: The creative plot I want transferred is 5. City plot you want the build moved to: The city plot I want it moved to is Potato1 The build is a small mostly quartz modern build 2 story's and one floor down. thank You for your time :D
  11. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: Creative Plot 4 City plot you want the build moved to: City Plot I want it Moved To Potato1 The build I want transferred is all birch, it's 2 story's tall and one floor down. Thank you for your time :D
  12. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: Creative Plot 3 City plot you want the build moved to: I want the build moved to Potato1 My build is for a game show that i made called "Find your lover" the building is very tall cause it has to fit a lot of rooms. my build will contribute to the city...
  13. Bellaa


    Just A Casual Convo With Unilax And Tuliao xD
  14. Bellaa

    Thank You!

    Thank You! Don't really know how to start this, but I just wanna say thank you everyone, as soon a I joined McCities I felt super welcome everyone was so nice and so helpful, now that I have been playing for a little longer I have gotten to know people better and become better friends with...
  15. Bellaa

    I'm Gonna Be A Movie Star!

    Ok So I'm so excited to announce, I'm gonna be in a movie! So no, not a big Hollywood movie! I was casted in a MC movie by Gwiil, so we made this movie in MC cities, and i took some sneekie peekie pictures xD
  16. Bellaa


    Okay, so this isn't really a question it's a suggestion but i couldn't find any better forum to put it on, so it's here now. Orphanage: So you know how people like to have family's on the server, well i think we should have an orphanage. To get to it just do /warp orphanage. So usually doing...
  17. Bellaa

    Hamilton Schuyler Sister (lyric Chain)

    There's Nothing Rich Folks Love More, Then Going Down Town And Slummin It With The Poor! {Lyric chain}
  18. Bellaa

    DarkerThunder And Aslumber's Wedding Photo Shoot

    More Newley Weds Get a Photo Shoot :D
  19. Bellaa

    DivineWolfStorm And Baller_Jessie's Wedding Photo Shoot

    Newly Weds Get Wedding Photos From A New Minecraft Photographer! xD
  20. Bellaa


    Flap ;)