Search results

  1. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Cats vs Dogs

    Everyone on the server was arguing whether dogs or cats were better.. so I made a poll ^.. Let the voting begin!!!!!!!!!!! I ofc love dogs more though :P
  2. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Completed go103 transfer

    Can you transfer the pink clay and birch house on FullOfGracie's arch plot to my city plot go103. It has a basement, ty
  3. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Police congratss!!!

    Since becoming Minister (ohh yesssssssssss) last week, I have decided to promote some new cops to help with the bank robbery and to gt more active players on the force :D I wish to give a bigg congrats to SpookyNinja23 (@NinjaGaming23 ) Spooky__Remy (@__Remy ) @XxIronFistxX ItzJazzMade...
  4. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Regioning request for a84

    Can the house surrounded by red wool on my plot home 1 be transferred to a84, ty
  5. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Completed bludclub-2 transfer

    Can the house on my /plot home 1 surrounded by light blue wool be transfered to my city plot bludclub-2. Thanks you :D
  6. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Denied Plot-3 transfer

    Can the building on my /plot home 1 which is surrounded by pink wool be transferred to plot-3. Thanks :D
  7. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Mine and Joey's mansion :DD

    Me and Joey (DarkMagicinY) have made a massive mansion for our plot Mansion12 and it is almost done!! We would really appreciate some feedback from people about stuff to add or chat or whatevs :) Here is the link with most of the rooms: All the images went into a weird...
  8. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Completed savanna-3 transfer

    Can the house on my /plot home 1 be transfered to savanna-3 please, the house is surrounded by orange wool :D
  9. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Completed Transfer to gorgetown-11

    Can the house surrounded by cyan wool on my /plot home 1 be transfered to my city plot: gorgetown-11 thank you :D
  10. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Completed Bludsky-5 Transfer

    Please can the quartz and terracotta sky scraper on my /plot home 1 plot be transfered to bludsky-5 and also can he apartments be regioned at $1000 per week as well :D tyyy hehe
  11. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Buying Darkness III and Confusion III scrolls

    I'm looking to buy these scrolls for my bow (tier IV would also be awesome but ik they are rare) so msg me in game or post here if your selling any <3
  12. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Nuuuuuu school ;(

    Well I'm starting school again tomorrow.. well technically today as its 2am ;3 but that means I'll be a bit less active *everyone crys* but ill defo be online for a few hours everyday regardless of homework an all that sugar....... And for all the british people going back to school: good luck...
  13. LeanneTheUnicorn

    To core or not to core.. that is the question ;3

    Okay.. so I need to settle this argument once and for all....... Do you eat the core of the apple or not???????? Personally I do because I'm a unicorn, and the sweetness in apples goes straight to the candy making factory inside of me with means I can puke out candy ;) but do you guys eat the...
  14. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Sorta new player ;3 haha

    Well heyy all my fellow server players :D Leanne here (cheesy opening eh?) and I never really introduced myself to everyome... you may or may not know me, but im a T-Mod (very happy to be one as well *wipes tear*) and i spend most of my free time hanging out and helping on the server :D uhmm...
  15. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Case Closed Enderport tried to blackmail me

    Who are you accusing? @enderport What are your claims/accusations? He stole my 4 pets from my garden in H3, and then threatened to kill them if I didnt give him an enderback pack. Any additional proof you can provide us? Screenshots below of : 1) The book someone threw to me about it 2) A...
  16. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Court Case Against trump15024/Gabriel/mineyr15

    1. Who are you accusing? @trump15024 2. What are your claims/accusations? He has a sethome in my house from when he first started Mccities. I said that he could keep it for a couple of days as I wanted to be polite. It wasn't a proper rent. He changed his name, and didn't even talk to me for...
  17. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Case Closed Closed Case

    When I was searching for ores on my plot (that he does not have any access to) he jumped down into the hole I made and showed me where the ores are. I've got a screenshot of him looking at a stone wall and saying in public chat 'gold down ther'. I then mined down, and there was gold, and him...
  18. LeanneTheUnicorn

    Case Closed I've lost 100k to @Smallfry1234567

    I'm not totally sure, but I was buying a new house from @smallfry1234567 and he said it was on sale for 5k, so he told me the region, and I brought it. Then he did the same thing with another house, that was for 5k. I think I had around 130k before I brought the houses, I now have 2k? He...