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  1. Jabu


    Okay so, recently leanne has gotten jr admin (grats btw). She has done so much for the community and always is happy and willing to help no matter what. Most admins get grumpy from time to time cause they're tired of doing crap but leanne gets grumpy like EVERRRR. So to congratulate leanne and...
  2. Jabu

    Happiest day ever

    Okay so I bet your wondering what tf this is about. okay sooooooo, as many as you know, I'm very short. But I am slowly growing, I've grown half an inch since August which makes me officially just above 5 feet tall!!!!! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR EVER!!! I've grown an entire inch and a half...
  3. Jabu

    Opinions needed

    So recently I've been getting into modding and painting nerf blasters for the fun of it and for the bragging rights xD. I just modded and painted a nerf blaster for the first time and I'd like to hear some feedback. Btw I know the jolt is a tiny blaster so I put a shot next to my foot to show...
  4. Jabu

    Inventory Cleared

    1. Jabu__ 2. sitting, then I teleported to marie (who was in the arch world). When I went back to the regular world my stuff was gone and replaced with the stuff I had in the arch world. 3. Everything in my inventory and in my enderchest (happened about 1:30 PM EST) I had atleast 5 sets of...
  5. Jabu

    More plots

    I know.. there has been a bunch of posts like this, but seriously this needs to happen. Please read the entire idea. We need more plots for the noobs. Have any of you noticed that a couple months ago we were able to hit 100+ players? Now we can barely even hit 50. Wanna know why? Because all the...
  6. Jabu

    Recharge Halloween sticks

    The halloween sticks need to be able to be charged. or else nobody will use them and they will become a collectors item and not a pvp item. Or just have it so they don't break at all.
  7. Jabu

    Denied Transfer

    1. A_Noob 2. 6 3. Bob2 (Please move it as far south in the plot as it can go. If you need help locating it where I said contact me in game)
  8. Jabu

    Buff hitman?

    Hitman should be buffed because you make like nothing from it. I could spend an hour killing 50 people and getting only 1k out of it. What each level should gain. I know people do drop money but 90% of people drop less than 100$. level 1 - 50-100$ per kill level 2 - 150-200$ per kill level 3 -...
  9. Jabu


    Hey typ, I think I'm the only one left who remembers on the server still so imma say this for everyone who doesn't play anymore and the ones who are banned. Typical, you were the BEST staff in my mind. You are a legend. You were always online to help, even if you wanted to do other things you'd...
  10. Jabu


    1. Remove mythic drops - I don't see what the point is with these, they make non op people think they're good at pvp and most importantly they RUIN role play, and this is a role play server, which defeats the purpose. 2. Disable Bandages and Grappling hooks - Again, these ruin the role play...
  11. Jabu

    /sell hand

    I think that /sell hand should be added or even just signs at warp shop to go to 64 instead of like 4 because it takes too long to be able to sell a full inventory of items. If its only 4 or less and with school starting back up and a lot of us having limited time on here don't want to spend...
  12. Jabu


    Tomorrow I will be leaving for vacation :D. I'm going to the Kalahari (Not the desert the water park). I'm leaving tomorrow and coming back on Friday (I literally learned that I'm going this morning lol). I'll try to be on minechat as much as I can :D
  13. Jabu

    Dino skins

    so basically I randomly got the idea of "Hey lets turn the entire server into the server for banter" then magical things happened. If your not lazy please make your own dinosaur skin for this and a nick if you have one. *note this will last for two weeks or however long until it dies out*
  14. Jabu

    Add A Couple More Island Cities?

    I've been noticing lately that there has been a lot of people on like 100+ people on a lot. Lots of them have money to buy plots/houses. Except there's one problem, there's no plots/houses for sale for them to buy and when there is houses they're way over priced. My idea is that like 5 island...
  15. Jabu

    Case Closed EveeJ

    1. EveeJ 2. She was Sitting in the safe zone at the bank when all of us were clearly wanted because we were killing people and she sat there doing nothing except watching us from the safe zone refusing to come out to jail us (she wasn't afk cause she was responding to us when we told her to do...
  16. Jabu

    acfuffy scamming

    *PLEASE NOTE. I AM POSTING THIS FOR MY SISTER BECAUSE SHE IS TOO LAZY TO MAKE HER OWN ACCOUNT AND I DO NOT HAVE ANY DIRECT CONNECTION TO THIS* 1. acfuffy 2. Scamming 3. we made a deal if I beat him in a 1v1 that he has to pay me 50k and if he beats me I pay him 50k. He didnt stick to his end...
  17. Jabu

    Lawsuit against The_lolbit

    1. The_lolbit 2. She said if i beat her in a 1v1 that she would give me 100k but she didn't after i beat her twice 3. [C]The_Lolbit -> me] can we 1v1 plz [16:28:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legitness] Leader Legit5: can ye add @Miilk? [16:28:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §7[G]§r...
  18. Jabu


    So I showed some of my friends this video and they freaked out at how old it was, and they wanted me to put it on the forums for all the originals who might see them self like a year and a half ago. This was when vigilantes still had jail sticks
  19. Jabu

    Better Vehicles

    I think it would be a cool idea to add better vehicles, not the crappy plugin ones that are hardly 3D. REAL 3D Vehicles, I think they should be added because it would make the server much more realistic because half of those plugin vehicles hardly even look like what they are suppost to look...
  20. Jabu

    /Sell hand

    My suggestion to McCities staff is /Sell hand, I know many of you are familiar on how it works but for those who don't, ill tell you. So basically /sell hand is a easier way to sell stuff without having to spend forever in the shop selling it, all you have to do is type /sell hand while holding...