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  1. Coban

    Your opinion

    collecting information for a study project.. does this program look good? like the combination of colors, text size, etc
  2. Coban

    Anime #2

    second topic about anime cuz why not who are your top three anime characters and why 1- Gilgamesh from the Fate series. so charismatic and crazy strong, love the concept of him owning unlimited treasury 2- Yagami Light from Death Note. such a twisted character with high ego and insane beliefs...
  3. Coban

    Staff Resignation

    Greetings, Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online. Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I...
  4. Coban

    IRL Sword Art Online

    will it be another bad movie? probably yes
  5. Coban

    IMPORTANT Islands Suggestion Thread

    I am sure by now you know islands don't have proper rules or guides in place (10/10 @nibble), so if you have any ideas or suggestions for the new rules to be forced on island owners, post them below. It's an open discussion so feel free to point out the pros/cons of your/others' ideas rules are...
  6. Coban

    Player of the Month - Poll

    Top nominated players in the nomination thread are listed in the above poll, vote for the player you see deserves Player of the Month! The player with most votes will be announced POTM for a whole month. What are the rewards for becoming POTM? - MVP Rank on the forums for a month, which...
  7. Coban

    Staff applications are now open

    Greetings, We are looking for new staff members to join the team. If you are up to the task, please read the following thread. Thanks
  8. Coban


    Time for the one and only question, what are your favorite animes? say why you like them too 1- Code Geass - Mainly because of the character's high intelligence and the constant paradox. 2- Death Note - Again, for the clash of highly intelligent characters and irony. 3- Steins;Gate - Has such a...
  9. Coban

    Player of the Month Nomination

    What is Player of the Month? - It's an award granted by the community for a player they find friendly or worthy to hold the title. Who to nominate? - The one player you truly enjoyed playing or talking with, whether on the forums or on the server. For being tilt-proof, chill, friendly, trusted...
  10. Coban

    Trading rules

    It's not allowed to sell in-game items (weapons, regions, or anything) for real-money and will result in a permanent ban for both traders. Same with selling Minecraft accounts for in-game or real-money. Updated rules: Thanks
  11. Coban

    Favorite animated movie

    ^ title mine would be the Kung fu panda series, mostly because of Oogway what's yours?
  12. Coban

    Player of the Month - Poll

    Top nominated players in the nomination thread are listed in the above poll, vote for the player you see deserves Player of the Month! The player with most votes will be announced POTM for a whole month. What are the rewards for becoming POTM? - MVP Tag on the forums for a month, which...
  13. Coban

    Our new server administrators

    Greetings, As you may know, all applications are temporarily down and this is to allow us to work on the current systems and improve them with the sole reason of providing a smoother experience for you as a player, and our staff members. We got in contact with two of our former staff members...
  14. Coban

    Player of the Month Nomination

    What is Player of the Month? - It's an award granted by the community for a player they find friendly or worthy to hold the title. Who to nominate? - The one player you truly enjoyed playing or talking with, whether on the forums or on the server. For being tilt-proof, chill, friendly, trusted...
  15. Coban

    New Update - Reputation, Exams & More!

    What is up drama alert nation it's your boy kille-.. oops wrong intro Let's try one more time! Welcome back pioneers of McCities, I'm glad to be making this announcement for you all, for the past while we have been working on multiple projects for the server, and it's only fair to begin...
  16. Coban

    Update Update status

    Due to the recent resignation of our Admin and Sr.Mod; we have decided it would be best to take a few temporary decisions to keep the systems they left behind running as smooth as possible. Regarding police; the system was already suffering, so from now on myself and Heather will be temporarily...
  17. Coban

    Format For Reporting

    This topic will contain explanation as to how to report a player you think broke a rule. To report a player you must use the format in this topic, this helps us deal with cases much faster. All reports are only visible for staff members to review, which means no player can see your report and...
  18. Coban


    Some information about me, I'm 16 years programmer, I enjoy writing codes from scratch, I do understand VB.NET, C# & C++ languages. I'm an Internet moderator on a hacking forum (won't say the name) for nearly a year now. I enjoy playing MC and I've started & managed a lot of servers in the past...
  19. Coban

    An admin needed

    I really need to talk with the owner, There's a lot of stuff must be fixed in the server or it will never get popular, PM me your Skype so we can talk faster & easily.