Search results

  1. Atlair

    Denied Arius Arch App

    Arch App - Wish me Luck Your current in game name: iiariusii Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes I have Skype Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best...
  2. Atlair

    | Click Here |

    Hey So what's your favorite thing to-do when your on the server. Annnddddddd.... Who's your #1 Best-friend on MC-cities - Ariuss :p
  3. Atlair

    Buying Wither Skulls

    If you have wither skills and are selling them,msg me or mail me in-game. ;)
  4. Atlair

    Romeo and Juliet Audtion

    Hey everyone and welcome to Romeo and Juliet casting. Everyone once in a while we be changing the plays up a bit to comedy, action, romance :confused: , and even horror :Evil:. The current casting members are iiAriusii and Rapper_LC. If you have any questions or problems mail us in-game, or msg...
  5. Atlair


    Introduction Gucci will be a company that will provide op armor to players. Including transportable backpacks for storage room, powerful weapons, and etc. Gucci will come with fair prices and good uses. I have been wanting to create a company for good armor and weapons to provide players with...
  6. Atlair

    Buying Hey...

    I'm looking for a medium/big plot that's in the city and close to apartment buildings msg me if you have something... :p
  7. Atlair

    Selling Plot for sell !

    Im currently selling a plot by the city for 145K /msg me on here or start a convo with me... :laugh:
  8. Atlair


    Maybe if we can gain our rep soon we could probably do things like : Helping players achievie goals and etc. Being nice to players Welcoming players both on fourms and in-game Saying gg when someone wins on the fishing contest... All of these ideas can be proved or witnessed by different...
  9. Atlair


    Heyy my name is Arius my favorite color is blue and I've been playing MCCitites for about 2 months it's a awesome server. I have made plenty of friends. I have a roleplay mom (Najlab3) and brother (xXSlimeCubexX) I hope to see more of you in game. :D - Arius