Search results

  1. Atlair

    Accepted Architect Application

    1. What is your username? IIAriusII 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Helper 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes, I have an account. 4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) You can do /plot home 1. 5. What building...
  2. Atlair

    Region Report

    H43 Rose_ Doesn’t look right and fit standards Fn-5 Kamtronix Doesn’t fit standards
  3. Atlair


    Here’s a few photos from 2017 that I was supposed to post 18 days ago and some photos from this year. :D (11 photos) (12 photos) (12 photos)
  4. Atlair

    Buying Mansions/City

    Hello, I’m looking for a huge mansion plot (can be a mountain mansion) I’m also looking for a plot close to /warp city 2.4M+ Message me if your considering selling!
  5. Atlair

    Selling H340

    Hello I’m selling H340, a 4 story modern house. The plot is located next to the ocean/beach. You can /find it in-game. Price: 555K
  6. Atlair

    Transfer #2

    IIAriusII Creative plot: /plot home 3 *The house with mostly quartz and spruce wood. It has the plot name “H348” on it. To: H348 Ty!
  7. Atlair


    IIAriusII Creative plot: /plot home 4 To: H340 :D
  8. Atlair

    Transfer #2

    IIAriusII Creative Plot: /plot home 2 To: bunnyears6 / owned by @XxIronFistxX Changes in interior/basement has been made. *Note: white wool surrounding house to fit in the plot dimension
  9. Atlair

    Transfer Request

    IIAriusII Creative Plot: /plot home 3 *The build with stone and quarts* To: jbrodland-mansion2 Thank-you!
  10. Atlair

    Transfer Request

    IIAriusII Creative Plot: /plot home 4 To: h728 Thank you! :D
  11. Atlair

    Transfer Request

    IIAriusII Creative Plot: /plot home 2 To: bunnyears6 / owned by @XxIronFistxX Changes in interior/basement has been made. *Note: white wool surrounding house to fit in the plot dimension
  12. Atlair

    Denied Teacher App

    What is your Minecraft username? IIAriusII What subjects do you want to teach I would like to teach on how to craft survival items, building skills, teaching how to be a doctor, or teaching the sever rules. I have experience as crafting medical items, survival needs, and enforce the server...
  13. Atlair

    Completed City to Arch World

    Hello, can you please transfer my city plot: citymansion2 To Arch-world @OnePunchGrill /plot home 7 The left side plane, please Thank you! :D
  14. Atlair

    Completed Transfer Request

    IIAriusII Can you transfer my build? (the smaller one) at /plot home 1 City plot: rn3 Thanks! ;)
  15. Atlair

    GUCCI | Become an Employee!

    GUCCI is a company founded by me, that’ll provide lots slime fun & OP products including magical armor, mythic, enchantment books, holograms, weapons, smart watches, ender backpacks, resources, and etc. Gucci employees will be served with high pay. The headquarters for Gucci will come soon and...
  16. Atlair

    Buying Plot

    Im currently looking for a plot, any cheap/small plot tbh.. msg me if you have anything :D
  17. Atlair

    Selling Beautiful Modern House

    I’m selling a modern house that I created. I’m selling it for $650,000. It’s located at bunnyears6, and it’s on Bunny island. :D For more information message me !!
  18. Atlair

    Completed Transfer Request

    Hey can you transfer my build on /plot 3 to plot: bunnyears6. My in-game name is iiariusii. *Note* There’s white wool surrounding the creative plot so the dimensions can fit bunnyears6. - Thanks
  19. Atlair

    Denied Arius | #2

    Your current in game name: iiariusii Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): I...
  20. Atlair

    Completed Transfer and Regioning

    Hey it’s Arius, IGN : iiariusii The build is on my third plot (the skyscraper) and I would like for it to be transferred to plot : abp2 Can it be regioned at abp2 also, floors 1-5 are $250 a week and floor 6 is $1,500 a week Thank You ! - Arius