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  1. laggynab

    Survival to Creative

    Name: laggynab Creative Plot: ID 19;-41 (Coordinates: x891 y65 z-2035) City Plot: plot401
  2. laggynab

    Accepted June Ban Appeal

    Minecraft Username: laggynab The staff that banned you: @shroomchi Reason for ban: Griefing, Ban Evasion, Dupe Abuse. Proof against the ban: none The reason you wish to come back or why you should be unbanned: I wish to come back because I believe I can do something to help the server get more...
  3. laggynab


  4. laggynab

    Suggestion for Police

    1) The 24 hour Police lookout- 1 Senior Police for 24 hours = 24 senior police with their group of junior police that know each other very well (that means they are good with teamwork) and are from the same timezone 2) New Jail Island- Island to stay long term and think about what they have...
  5. laggynab

    2019 Halloween Boss Mob

    I think that a baby zombie with movement speed 1.3, attack damage 5 and health of 1400 and invisibility will provide ample challenge this hallows' eve? Let's give the baby zombie a knockback 5 stick (grampas walking stick) as well? To give an indicator of it's current location because it is...
  6. laggynab

    A question about the police.

    Are the police here to take away money from players that don't obey the laws/rules at /warp police? Or are they here to protect us from each other? Can the police be hired to protect plots? Are there teams of officers that specialize in certain areas such as countering unlawful behavior, discord...
  7. laggynab

    I have to go do some educational stuff I will try to be back before 21st of February, see you soon.

    Good luck on the broadway, and good luck on the building competition :D
  8. laggynab

    Are GoldenOaks (NewCity) and /warp city (Cayman) connected?

    I don't think they are connected, I went under /halloween join and attempted to travel to the coordinates of GoldenOaks, but a world barrier plugin blocked me :(
  9. laggynab

    Why was the biological warfare part of the /disease plugin disabled?

    Yeah D: Why was it disabled? Because it was unrealistic?
  10. laggynab

    A suggestion for the Halloween Boss, if you will be doing an event like that this year.

    An Evoker? Supplied with potion effects? Like speed, jumpboost, strength and invisibility? So the players will have a hard time fighting it, as the players are quite powerful now? Plus you accidentally locked the Vindicators, Evokers and Vexes when you placed that /warp wild barrier, it would be...
  11. laggynab

    What is your favorite banner?

    This one? This other one? This one is my fav ._. I bet it was made with Blender. :D
  12. laggynab

    Questions about /warp wild

    Hello :D I have a few questions about /warp wild. It would be really helpful if they were answered :D 1) Why don't creepers destroy blocks when they explode? 2) What happened to the mythicdrop wielding mobs at /warp wild? 3) What happened to identifying mythicdrops? 4) Why is the difficulty...
  13. laggynab

    Questions about islands

    Hello :D Good evening to all of you :D I would like to ask some questions about islands in McCities. 1) Is it possible to merge islands? For example, Friend no.1 wants to merge islands with his Friend no.2 2) If we cannot merge islands, is it possible to bridge them together? For example...
  14. laggynab

    The lag yesterday, was neat :D

  15. laggynab

    Moving to my capital city, moving house.

    Sorry for not telling you sooner, I have been very busy.. :( But not that busy :) Sadly.. my router has been damaged in the process so it will take a few more days for me to return.
  16. laggynab

    Going to Thailand to do Health Checkups 16th-24th June

    Bye bye, I expect greatness from our dev Great lord Coban :D I wonder what changes he will bring in my absence?? I sure am excited :) By the way I might show you some pictures?? If my camera works..
  17. laggynab

    My Router Broke. Coming back on 5th December (Hopefully)

    Sorry for being inactive. I am sure many things have changed since my absence. . I expect half the server went away.
  18. laggynab

    Inactivity because of bad internet.

    This is Internet speed is now worse than before!! :( I am very sorry about being offline :( I owe many players items and money as they have proven themselves to be amazing :( Please do not be sad as I am only inactive and not gone forever. Please comment me the stuff i owe them.
  19. laggynab

    Inactivity because of bad internet.

    I have been inactive even before this post because of bad internet. I am posting this to let all who read this know that I will try to get online but if my network power dwindles furthur I will not be able to play McCities that much. I still love this server and I will proudly say that McCities...