Apple is now accepting new employees



What is Apple?
Apple is a tech company that was founded on June 14, 2017. It is one of the first largest tech companies in McCities providing players with smart watches, enchantment books, enchantment services, slimefun, and more! Apple is owned by I Trump15024.

New jobs available:

The following is a list of jobs available:

Apple Lawyer (1)- As Apple's lawyer you will represent Apple in all communication with other companies including giving advice in court cases and making contracts on behalf of Apple. You will get your own floor in our new employee building and your pay will be based on your performance.

Senior Vice President- As you can see I have underlined this postion as this is very rare the we are accepting new executives for Apple. This job needs someone who is a trusted person. In this job you will make sure things are runnning smoothly and will be the boss of employees under you. Your boss is I trump15024 and X_Mackenzie_X who is the CFO. You will also get a floor for an office in our new employee building.

Supplier: This job is where you make products with materials we supply for you and will be payed on a weekly basis.

If you want to apply for these postitions make a conversation with I Gabriel and on the title of the conversation put your ingame username and what you are applying for and in the conversation give your credientials.

Pre-Order form- this form is to pre-order items for us to hold you an item you want so when you are in game you can pickup your item:



What is Apple?
Apple is a tech company that was founded on June 14, 2017. It is one of the first largest tech companies in McCities providing players with smart watches, enchantment books, enchantment services, slimefun, and more! Apple is owned by I Trump15024.

New jobs available:

The following is a list of jobs available:

Apple Lawyer (1)- As Apple's lawyer you will represent Apple in all communication with other companies including giving advice in court cases and making contracts on behalf of Apple. You will get your own floor in our new employee building and your pay will be based on your performance.

Senior Vice President- As you can see I have underlined this postion as this is very rare the we are accepting new executives for Apple. This job needs someone who is a trusted person. In this job you will make sure things are runnning smoothly and will be the boss of employees under you. Your boss is I trump15024 and X_Mackenzie_X who is the CFO. You will also get a floor for an office in our new employee building.

Supplier: This job is where you make products with materials we supply for you and will be payed on a weekly basis.

If you want to apply for these postitions make a conversation with I Gabriel and on the title of the conversation put your ingame username and what you are applying for and in the conversation give your credientials.

Pre-Order form- this form is to pre-order items for us to hold you an item you want so when you are in game you can pickup your item:

Make a conversation with me.


Also if your company wants a partnership with Apple make a conversation with me. A partnership means we work together and will help you in court cases.