Hi all I am leaving the server for a few months till February, I have huge exams coming up which I can't fail and I have a lot of Irl stuff going on thanks all and I will put a few shoutouts for some people who have been really nice and supporting over the year and a half I have been on the server
@LeanneTheUnicorn @CraziiTabby @laggynab @EnderPoop @fvhn @Heather @sundae22 @
XxSnowBearxX and special thanks to @Marshmallowsmalk who had to put up with me being bad at bedwars for the past 8 weeks
Thanks and bye
Eddy Out
@LeanneTheUnicorn @CraziiTabby @laggynab @EnderPoop @fvhn @Heather @sundae22 @
XxSnowBearxX and special thanks to @Marshmallowsmalk who had to put up with me being bad at bedwars for the past 8 weeks
Thanks and bye
Eddy Out