Sucks to see you leaving
, I had fun with you.
Good luck on the server!! <3
Good luck on the server!! <3
Look, I don't need to be that pitiful if I don't think you are doing a good job. Why should I do that? If I thought you were that bad, you would've been out already.Of course you cannot prove something if it came out of nowhere, but there always things you are able to proof.
But whats this:
'Hey I will miss you! I know you are telling the truth about nut butt the other day I did a help me for some plots in Runnerboro and when Aurry came nutbutt came to and when I reported it to Coban he said it was nibbles alt and nutbutt claimed to be nibble'
Nutbutt is Aury's bff, if you dont believe me and think it was Kiri then watch this:
View attachment 3685 View attachment 3686 View attachment 3687 View attachment 3688
There is a difference between strictly pointing out what you did and attacking using words. I didn't even tell you to apologize because I didn't want to force you, like come on.. You didn't even receive a reprimand.Coban, you try to be mature. Last week you showed me that you aren’t. You attacked me with words. A good owner would never choose sides.
What tard said that? Oh let me guess, another fake quote. Who would have guessed.when I reported it to Coban he said it was nibbles alt
I didn't even say anything and you are already attacking me. kYou seemed to have picked up things from Heather, Kate, and Ciel. I'm not even going to bother being nice about this anymore considering the amount of false information the three of them has spread throughout the community the past few months.
I thanked the post for the fvhn that put much time and effort into the server that she loved, and not the one who badmouthed the entire staff team.
Let me first say, my post is not related to Kiri's, so hear me out.
There is a difference between strictly pointing out what you did and attacking using words. I didn't even tell you to apologize because I didn't want to force you, like come on.. You didn't even receive a reprimand.
Not only did you publicly on the forums badmouth the staff team for no reason (Except for jealously over not getting admin), but you decided to ignore every single word I have told you privately.
1) I made it clear for you that it was a necessary measure to promote them and why we did it, yet you ignored that.
2) I made it clear for you that you were next in line for admin, yet you ignored that.
3) I made it clear for you that if you have ANY issues with staff members, we can solve it together, yet you ignored that.
4) I clearly explained what a staff structure is, yet you ignored that.
5) I gave clear reasons as to why there is a delay between promotions, yet you ignored that.
6) You have accused me of lying, yet I told you clearly in the staff chat in front of the others (Check your Skype logs) what I actually meant with that quote, but you still acted like I said nothing and continued treating me like a liar, all of that because Heather said I lied to Ciel with no proper evidence whatsoever, except for one misunderstood SINGLE QUOTE. (Heather said it was a lie though so it must be true no matter what! XD)
7) You got in an argument with me (for some reason) because some player decided to report Heather, and for some odd reason you blamed me for it? You didn't even reply back on Skype when I said that no action was going to be taken due to the lack of proof. (Wow, they are not taking action against her? Let's hate them either way for being abusive xD!)
8) I take sides? Ha, nice one. That's why I didn't demote you for upper staff disrespect, nor did I tell the others that you reported them to me, even Kiri wouldn't hear about it. I tried to solve all issues you reported without mentioning your name. How disgusting of me, taking sides!!
You really do need to understand that me (even with my nature aside) as an owner, I don't have the need to lie. People lie because they seek power or similar, so I don't have a reason whatsoever (Except for the imaginary ones you people keep coming up with that end up being false). I have nothing to fear and I have never feared to say the truth to others on their faces.
Honestly, if this post wouldn't have been filled with non-sense, I'd have directed it to you privately on Skype (If you hadn't blocked me either). At this point, I'm merely defending the staff team and nothing else.
Trust me, the more you take, the less you have. -- Be content with what you have and work, not for anyone but yourself. You claim to work because you love the server and enjoy it, yet you resigned because of not getting promoted and hating on others. That's not what I call passion.
Thanks for your service, would have been great if you stayed sane and waited for your turn.
I don't know how you expected him to know about that. I knew nutbutt is aury's friend, did I not tell you? I did.I asked you to send the context of that quote.
I just replied some proof of you lying above here.
I clearly explained you your staff team is trash.
You are ignoring these ^^^ .......
If there's someone not ready to be Jr.Admin, it would've been Izzie and Aury. Not me. Now I seem to be sooo jealous of them. Of course im not happy to see someone getting something I used to work hard for, and they randomly get it out of nowhere. I am not the person who shuts her mouth when I dont agree.
I told you there are other options then hiring them. Not that you were really wanted to listen...
The "tard" was me sorry if I misunderstood what you said.,, tard said that? Oh let me guess, another fake quote. Who would have guessed.
A screenshot of me asking who that even is on October 6th;
Sorry if you aren't involved in this. I just have to assume based off of what I've heard.I didn't even say anything and you are already attacking me. k asked you to send the context of that quote.
I just replied some proof of you lying above here.
I clearly explained you your staff team is trash.
You are ignoring these ^^^ .......
If there's someone not ready to be Jr.Admin, it would've been Izzie and Aury. Not me. Now I seem to be sooo jealous of them. Of course im not happy to see someone getting something I used to work hard for, and they randomly get it out of nowhere. I am not the person who shuts her mouth when I dont agree.
I told you there are other options then hiring them. Not that you were really wanted to listen...
Jr.Admin is not what I should give someone if I give them a chance, I would let them start from somewhere helper. If they do a good job they get promotions.. And that's not really the context of the quote.. And 'I disagre... ' that's what you think. I am thinking totally different about it. If you aren't interested in believing me, then better start following the rules by not arguing.
Oh wait.. I forgot to say that I also made it clear to you that there is no harm in giving them chances.
"I disagree with the staff team and find them to be bad, better go disrespect them all including the owners, that surely must fix things and show how passionate I am" That is exactly what you did.
What you did was wrong, no denying that. You said I was caught in lies, yet you keep repeating the same one over and over again even after I prove it wrong.
Did you ever want a compromise though? You either wanted that or nothing at all. That's called being stubborn, there's nothing we can do to work something out if you are stubborn with your opinion.Jr.Admin is not what I should give someone if I give them a chance, I would let them start from somewhere helper. If they do a good job they get promotions.. And that's not really the context of the quote.. And 'I disagre... ' that's what you think. I am thinking totally different about it. If you aren't interested in believing me, then better start following the rules by not arguing.
> "Two admins and a sr.mod resigned" ...Jr.Admin is not what I should give someone if I give them a chance, I would let them start from somewhere helper. If they do a good job they get promotions.. And that's not really the context of the quote.. And 'I disagre... ' that's what you think. I am thinking totally different about it. If you aren't interested in believing me, then better start following the rules by not arguing.
Byee and GL @fvhn .. I didn’t know you well , but when ever I did /helpme you were always niceHello people!
Time has come for me to leave. I have several reasons to be demotivated on this server. I love the server itself and I love my friends. The thing I am leaving for is the staff team. You might have other thoughts than me, but I totally dislike it at the moment. I have my reasons for it. It has been a wonderful time with the community and my friends!
You might have noticed, I am not the first one who resigned. Heather, Ciel and Kate went before me. Now it’s my turn. The 4 of us all left for the same reason. Isn’t that a little strange? Shouldn’t it mean something?
I have been inactive lately cause of school and other activities. A second reason I am inactive, is the same reason why I leave.
I got a moderator job offered on a roleplay server. The server will release soon and that’s another reason to be inactive on McCities. It has some very amazing landscapes and much more.
Time for a few shoutouts!!!
The first are Kiri and Coban. Coban, you try to be mature. Last week you showed me that you aren’t. You attacked me with words. A good owner would never choose sides. You obviously did. You try to promise things and say you really mean what you said. I still have quote of you saying you only tell people what they want to hear. You say it was from a context, but when I asked you for the context you were silenced about it. You are caught in a few lies, still, you say you aren’t a liar, you say you were never called out for being a liar before.
Kiri, you have your friends, and all of your friends get special permissions. Izzie, Aury, others, etc. are perfect examples for this. That’s really unfair. Aury and Izzie will never be able to replace you, that’s why it’s safe to make them admin. For example Kate, she was great at her job. Still, she was stuck at Sr.Mod for 4 months, she always got a 5 (the best rating) on her evaluations, but never got promotion. She was able to replace you if she learned more. Not safe to make her admin. And I guess Ciel and Heather were your mistake? You are a good manipulator. I know Coban is the one going about promotions, but I don’t think he’s the only one who decides. Also, I guess you don’t want me to go into your history on McCities?
Now, Izzie and Aury. Aury, you were demoted last year, cause you harassed and abused together with your bff/sister nutbutt. Hiring you is a bad decision. What I did was inappropriate, bashing the staff team in a report against Heather. But sharing staff information to your sister/bff is not allowed. If you claim you didn’t share any information, it means you harassed me yourself on her discord.
Izzie, you are bad at making decisions. Making good decisions is important for a staff member, especially when you’re Jr.Admin. Also known as upper staff who actually needs to be a great role model. You can’t be a role model if you make thousand mistakes cause you can’t decide. You hire architects who can’t build. Demoted an architect, cause she tried to tell you this. Once you became admin, our friendship drowned.
There are also other staff members who deserve one of those shoutouts. I won’t call their names though.
My previous friends in the staff team let me fall as well. Not that I care much, but they all didn’t want to believe my story. It’s their problem now, not mine anymore. People change when they become staff. They hook up with owners and act so fake. Some think they work hard, but often they’re more busy with hanging around. Especially when they owners aren’t online.
The staff team isn’t much of a team. We’re individuals. Look at the court cases. I am gone for a few days, The whole staff team didn’t care that the people aren’t getting helped out with their problems. Before I was gone for a few days I’ve asked help for the court cases tho.
The staff team isn’t much of a role model if they break rules. But the players might have not noticed this.
I rather have the staff team to not comment on this post. You will only start arguing à Not allowed!!!!
I want to say to Sundae that she does have the potential. You’re doing a great job!
And I don’t really know about the helpers.
Now my real friends, I will miss you all very much! You are all very amazing! I’ve had so much fun with you, and great memories. You’re all very nice people and I wish the best for you all. I hope we can play together on a different server and keep contact!
I also want to thank Heather, Kate and Ciel for supporting me, especially Heather. You’ve been there for me, always. Even after you left. You’re so lovely and warm. We can talk about everything.
What you said about people changing when getting staff is completely true, but I will miss you fvhn and you were the best rp mom for the past 2 years in game! but I wish you the best of luck! now all the staff I actually like is goneHello people!
Time has come for me to leave. I have several reasons to be demotivated on this server. I love the server itself and I love my friends. The thing I am leaving for is the staff team. You might have other thoughts than me, but I totally dislike it at the moment. I have my reasons for it. It has been a wonderful time with the community and my friends!
You might have noticed, I am not the first one who resigned. Heather, Ciel and Kate went before me. Now it’s my turn. The 4 of us all left for the same reason. Isn’t that a little strange? Shouldn’t it mean something?
I have been inactive lately cause of school and other activities. A second reason I am inactive, is the same reason why I leave.
I got a moderator job offered on a roleplay server. The server will release soon and that’s another reason to be inactive on McCities. It has some very amazing landscapes and much more.
Time for a few shoutouts!!!
The first are Kiri and Coban. Coban, you try to be mature. Last week you showed me that you aren’t. You attacked me with words. A good owner would never choose sides. You obviously did. You try to promise things and say you really mean what you said. I still have quote of you saying you only tell people what they want to hear. You say it was from a context, but when I asked you for the context you were silenced about it. You are caught in a few lies, still, you say you aren’t a liar, you say you were never called out for being a liar before.
Kiri, you have your friends, and all of your friends get special permissions. Izzie, Aury, others, etc. are perfect examples for this. That’s really unfair. Aury and Izzie will never be able to replace you, that’s why it’s safe to make them admin. For example Kate, she was great at her job. Still, she was stuck at Sr.Mod for 4 months, she always got a 5 (the best rating) on her evaluations, but never got promotion. She was able to replace you if she learned more. Not safe to make her admin. And I guess Ciel and Heather were your mistake? You are a good manipulator. I know Coban is the one going about promotions, but I don’t think he’s the only one who decides. Also, I guess you don’t want me to go into your history on McCities?
Now, Izzie and Aury. Aury, you were demoted last year, cause you harassed and abused together with your bff/sister nutbutt. Hiring you is a bad decision. What I did was inappropriate, bashing the staff team in a report against Heather. But sharing staff information to your sister/bff is not allowed. If you claim you didn’t share any information, it means you harassed me yourself on her discord.
Izzie, you are bad at making decisions. Making good decisions is important for a staff member, especially when you’re Jr.Admin. Also known as upper staff who actually needs to be a great role model. You can’t be a role model if you make thousand mistakes cause you can’t decide. You hire architects who can’t build. Demoted an architect, cause she tried to tell you this. Once you became admin, our friendship drowned.
There are also other staff members who deserve one of those shoutouts. I won’t call their names though.
My previous friends in the staff team let me fall as well. Not that I care much, but they all didn’t want to believe my story. It’s their problem now, not mine anymore. People change when they become staff. They hook up with owners and act so fake. Some think they work hard, but often they’re more busy with hanging around. Especially when they owners aren’t online.
The staff team isn’t much of a team. We’re individuals. Look at the court cases. I am gone for a few days, The whole staff team didn’t care that the people aren’t getting helped out with their problems. Before I was gone for a few days I’ve asked help for the court cases tho.
The staff team isn’t much of a role model if they break rules. But the players might have not noticed this.
I rather have the staff team to not comment on this post. You will only start arguing à Not allowed!!!!
I want to say to Sundae that she does have the potential. You’re doing a great job!
And I don’t really know about the helpers.
Now my real friends, I will miss you all very much! You are all very amazing! I’ve had so much fun with you, and great memories. You’re all very nice people and I wish the best for you all. I hope we can play together on a different server and keep contact!
I also want to thank Heather, Kate and Ciel for supporting me, especially Heather. You’ve been there for me, always. Even after you left. You’re so lovely and warm. We can talk about everything.
Why do you always bring up sentence 1 .... if you need to tell me something tell me :/What you said about people changing when getting staff is completely true, but I will miss you fvhn and you were the best rp mom for the past 2 years in game! but I wish you the best of luck! now all the staff I actually like is gonebut good luck and I mostly agree with everything you said!!