I am very sad right now.I have some very serious problems going on irl right now.I am being restricted from being on any electronics for who knows how long.It could be a week, month, maybe a year.This has nothing to do with my parents, it is because of my counselor.I have been having counseling recently, and she decided this because of what is going on in my life.So, needless to say, I am going to be off the server for a undetermined amount of time.I fear that this may be for several months, so I am leaving my last remarks.I am seriously crying right now guys, this is the best server, and group of friends I have ever met.I have almost no friends irl, and I really love mine craft.I am seriously bawling my eyes out.
@Isabellegg I will miss you so so so much.When I joined the server, you were one of the first people to talk to me and be my friend.You got me hired at the Eggs-Cafe, and you gave me a lot of advice.You have been nice to me the whole way, and I can honestly say that I am going to miss you the most.I was seriously considering marrying you in game if you were single.

@LucyJeff You were the second person to talk to me and be my friend.You gave me jobs to earn money, you taught me everything I knew, you were there for me as a friend.To you, I will miss you almost as equally as IsabelleEgg.I hope you are successful in everything you do.If I wasn't so in love with Isabelle, I would have definitely married you.
@Tulaio You were Also my friend, you talked to me, and you helped me a lot.I will miss you so much, and the uplifting commentary and commentary you bring.I am going to literally cry because of this post.I haven't talked a lot with you, but you have been an amazing friend.Talking to you has been an honor
@Afroz We never did get to rob that bank together, Sorry for that man.Keep on being the Thug you were meant to be.
@Dwimmer Dwimmer, man oh man.The joy you bring whenever you join on is uncomparable. Your a cop, and many other things, including my friend.
I am really bad at writing stuff like this, so I am going to write a list of my favorite players, if your not on here, don't take it personally.
@All of the helpers
@Everyone else who I forgot to mention
If anyone of you ever want to talk, I do't have discord, but I do have an email.It is [email protected], or [email protected]
_CRIES_ _CRIES_ I will miss you all.
Peace out
_The Lord Of All Nuggets_
@Isabellegg I will miss you so so so much.When I joined the server, you were one of the first people to talk to me and be my friend.You got me hired at the Eggs-Cafe, and you gave me a lot of advice.You have been nice to me the whole way, and I can honestly say that I am going to miss you the most.I was seriously considering marrying you in game if you were single.
@LucyJeff You were the second person to talk to me and be my friend.You gave me jobs to earn money, you taught me everything I knew, you were there for me as a friend.To you, I will miss you almost as equally as IsabelleEgg.I hope you are successful in everything you do.If I wasn't so in love with Isabelle, I would have definitely married you.
@Tulaio You were Also my friend, you talked to me, and you helped me a lot.I will miss you so much, and the uplifting commentary and commentary you bring.I am going to literally cry because of this post.I haven't talked a lot with you, but you have been an amazing friend.Talking to you has been an honor
@Afroz We never did get to rob that bank together, Sorry for that man.Keep on being the Thug you were meant to be.
@Dwimmer Dwimmer, man oh man.The joy you bring whenever you join on is uncomparable. Your a cop, and many other things, including my friend.
I am really bad at writing stuff like this, so I am going to write a list of my favorite players, if your not on here, don't take it personally.
@All of the helpers
@Everyone else who I forgot to mention
If anyone of you ever want to talk, I do't have discord, but I do have an email.It is [email protected], or [email protected]
_CRIES_ _CRIES_ I will miss you all.
Peace out
_The Lord Of All Nuggets_