1 You must play daily
When I have school I play on McCities on Thursdays, wednesdays and fridays, for 1 hour a day. On weekends I play 4 hours a day on McCities. When I have breaks or holidays, I play for around 3-4 hours a day.
2 You need acces to discord/forums /discord essentianly
I can access forums everywhere, and I have Discord. My discord username is Alex_the_cool_11.
3 You need to be quite good at pvp[in case some1 griefs us]
I am relatively good in PvP, but in this case, pvp isn't needed, because first of all, no one can grief the restaurant, because griefing is protected, and second of all, you can probably turn off pvp in the burger restaurant so that no one can attack staff or any customers.
4 you must be nice to all the customers and other people
I am a nice person. I promise to be nice to both customers and other people. I am friendly, because I most of the times even say wb and talk to people and keep people a Little entertained in MCCities by talking. I'm good at doing service jobs.
Thanks, this is my application. I hope you like it