I have several questions about the rules on this server, I recently read them and they are quite vauge.


Dec 21, 2019
I really, really enjoy the community and playing on this server, but I feel like some of the rules are a little harsh and up to interpretation. Here are my questions:

If cussing and bypassing is a 3 day ban or mute, then why do the staff memebers/police do it and why is staff more forgiving with these rules than others?
Some other things, like if a staff member asks you to do something you must do it, or else its a 3 day ban, what is that supposed to mean?
Am I, a player on the server, meant to conform and obey a staff memebers every given command and instruction without free will, or is this just refrencing a warning?
If you TPd to someone waited 15-30 min, and then decided to kill them, is that still a TP kill?
Can threatening a player be demanding them of money or certin items if they accidentally broke a rule? (This one is important)
Could you also eleborate more on the server disrespect rule? What are the boundries of that?
I've seen plenty of fly PvPing and that hasnt been adressed. Why?
Please answer these as it might clear up some things and may be the decicive factor on whether or not I stay on this server.


Active Member
May 26, 2019
So with the cussing, trust me when I say it’s the same with everyone, like if a cop is cussing in chat there’s a 100% chance that mr trumpo is yelling at them for it in police chat.

So the when staff tell you to do somthing it’s pretty self explainatory just do it lmfao they are higher ups then you.

If you tp for a player even if your chillin with this person for eternity and you kill them after you tp to them it’s a tp kill. So loterally don’t kill people after you tp to them.

Ok so for fly pvping a lot of people think it’s fly pvp when the person is prob grappling like I never see anyone with /fly fly pvp bc no one is that dumb bc it’s an easy way to get in trouble and I don’t think people liek getting in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
So with the cussing, trust me when I say it’s the same with everyone, like if a cop is cussing in chat there’s a 100% chance that mr trumpo is yelling at them for it in police chat.

So the when staff tell you to do somthing it’s pretty self explainatory just do it lmfao they are higher ups then you.

If you tp for a player even if your chillin with this person for eternity and you kill them after you tp to them it’s a tp kill. So loterally don’t kill people after you tp to them.

Ok so for fly pvping a lot of people think it’s fly pvp when the person is prob grappling like I never see anyone with /fly fly pvp bc no one is that dumb bc it’s an easy way to get in trouble and I don’t think people liek getting in trouble.
Correct, correct, correct and once again, correct.

For the server disrespect: if you be like: “this server sucks”, it’s server disrespect and not allowed.

For the cussing, like bray said for the police: people report it to trump, since he is minister. If you see a staff member cuss, make screenshots and send it to the owner. (Gjegevey).


Staff member
Oct 11, 2017
If cussing and bypassing is a 3 day ban or mute, then why do the staff memebers/police do it and why is staff more forgiving with these rules than others?
Entirely depends on the context. If you're doing it with the intent to bicker or any ill intent behind your words that is when it's taken in o account. But if you were to say, something like "yo white chocolate fr be some gross ass sht"; its fine. Theres also the point of not excessively bypassing the filter just for the sake of it. The reason the filter is there is to keep the chat clean. Feel free to bypass all you want in local.

if a staff member asks you to do something you must do it, or else its a 3 day ban, what is that supposed to mean?
Again, context. You will be reprimanded if you are to ignore staff instructions on an issue. If you feel like the reprimand is in error please feel free to contact the owner over such a misunderstanding.

If you TPd to someone waited 15-30 min, and then decided to kill them, is that still a TP kill?
Yes. You teleported to them. You are in trust of being in their personal space and meaning no harm. You may leave to somewhere else and /track them back down if you so wish.

Can threatening a player be demanding them of money or certin items if they accidentally broke a rule?
- Threatening any MCCities player to DoS, blackmail, hack or similar attacks is prohibited, even under the manner of joking.
[1 Month - Permanent Ban]
Please read over the rules or dm a staff member of the situation if you are still confused.

Could you also eleborate more on the server disrespect rule? What are the boundries of that?
Server Disrespect
- No disrespecting of McCities
Literally means don't diss the server saying its crap/bad/horrible/
if you have constructive criticism without being an ass then go on ahead and make a suggestion~ being passive aggressive with a suggestion in a backhanded way will most likely get you not taken seriously though. Please remain respectful in your interaction with the community.

I've seen plenty of fly PvPing and that hasnt been adressed. Why?
Have you reported it with evidence? Pray tell how we're supposed to address it otherwise when its one person's word against the other's?

Hope this was able to clear up some of your confusion.
If you have any question or further concerns you can message me here on the forum or on discord chibi#8888


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 25, 2017
that house
Police stay with a good reputation as they need to be good role models for the server. When police- or anyone in fact, swears, it's usually in local, DM's or our police chat. It's usually an accident if someone bypasses in global.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Huh, staff and police obey rules,
police don't get chances with these types of things, and when we do its not like we can go cussing and get warned without punishments?
Plus, if you got banned for cussing for 3 DAYS, that's alot of cussing lol
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