Selling Island Auction (Private/New Island)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
My Bid for the private island: 8.7 Million (this is only if my bid for AJ land does not get accepted or if this bid does get accepted I will withdraw my bid from AJLand.)
Reason for wanting the island: I plan to make this private island tropical with many tropical trees, plants, and gardens. I plan to build a mansion for me and other friends to enjoy and make a slime fun build for me and my friends who make slime fun items. I plan to make some boardwalks and some boats for friends and me to enjoy. I would add things like hiking trails, maybe some hills, and an aquarium to attract some visitors. There would be likely no regions on the island to keep its value. The goal for this island is to make it a private island me and my friends can enjoy but also any player can come and have fun. I would also possibly make a few villas for players/friends to rent and enjoy. If there is room maybe a tropical bar, a small restaurant for my friends and other players they can enjoy it too if they would like to come and maybe activities like a shooting range. If I do have room left I would add some features like caves, more terraforming, and possibly small mountains. A possible region name for this island is Tahiti I thought of that because of the tropical features of the island. I would also hire architects to help me make the island look great. Thank you! (Sorry for any grammar mistakes typed this on my phone)
I dont think its allowed to like double bid since your currently bidding for Ajland, in other words your basically double bidding incase you lose which kinda is spending more money than what you can, if you doulbe bid it judt shows you have no faith in yourself that you would win the first time so you decide to double bid and no i dont think backup plans are allowed, it would be ok if you had enough to buy both islands but in this case you dont and this just shows how you dont dedicate your full support for yourself on getting the other island by having a backup incase you lose. Gabriel if I were you, for the better id suggest you decide either this Private Island or Ajland, sometimes in life you cant run after two things and need to choose one and backups arent always there so you need to decide on which island your getting no backups.


Bidding for AJLand apparently ended at a certain time, and then nibble had the final people send a private message. We'll see what happens
Nibble wanted our final statements to see which one would be the best plan for the community since it was a community island but this is a private island


I dont think its allowed to like double bid since your currently bidding for Ajland, in other words your basically double bidding incase you lose which kinda is spending more money than what you can, if you doulbe bid it judt shows you have no faith in yourself that you would win the first time so you decide to double bid and no i dont think backup plans are allowed, it would be ok if you had enough to buy both islands but in this case you dont and this just shows how you dont dedicate your full support for yourself on getting the other island by having a backup incase you lose. Gabriel if I were you, for the better id suggest you decide either this Private Island or Ajland, sometimes in life you cant run after two things and need to choose one and backups arent always there so you need to decide on which island your getting no backups.
I already talked to Kiri before I placed the bid.


Ok, this is my final comment I don't want to argue with anyone but the bid was late and again if my bid goes through for this island I will drop my bid for AJ Land.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Honestly both Gabriel and Sundaes bid was late, the bid ends at 12pm EST which means 12:00:00 so if you bid at 12pm with any seconds that isnt 12pm exact and your bid shouldnt be counted and clearly gabriel bid after 12:00:00 a few seconds after it but not a minute and also sundae bid a few minutes after which both technically makes it after 12:00:00pm EST


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
So gabriel if your disqualifying sundaes bid, you should disqualify yourself


Honestly both Gabriel and Sundaes bid was late, the bid ends at 12pm EST which means 12:00:00 so if you bid at 12pm with any seconds that isnt 12pm exact and your bid shouldnt be counted and clearly gabriel bid after 12:00:00 a few seconds after it but not a minute and also sundae bid a few minutes after which both technically makes it after 12:00:00pm EST
I bid at exactly 11:59 am I watched the clock.


Honestly both Gabriel and Sundaes bid was late, the bid ends at 12pm EST which means 12:00:00 so if you bid at 12pm with any seconds that isnt 12pm exact and your bid shouldnt be counted and clearly gabriel bid after 12:00:00 a few seconds after it but not a minute and also sundae bid a few minutes after which both technically makes it after 12:00:00pm EST
What proves this is when it was just now 12:16 it said I bid 17 minutes ago showing I bid at 11:59


Why it everyone nitpicking about the time? It's not really a big deal, I think the monetary bid and the reason for wanting the island is the only thing that should matter.
Because there was a deadline to get the bid in


New Member
Sep 22, 2017
@sundae22 will you have the time to build an island ? You are a Mod and dont have the time . You have been building a mountain mansion for atleast 2 months now.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
Inferno, I do not want to complete the mountain mansion. You ask me about it every two weeks. It is not, and never was, for sale. You were really excited for it, and I didn't know how to break it to you, so I kept prolonging the build and changing the subject. Yes, I will have enough time for the island.
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New Member
Jul 12, 2017
Hello, I know I am about an hour late and have no clue if my bid will be taken into consideration, but worth a shot eh? My name is DragorSlayer99, I am fairly poor monetarily right now, and the highest I can bid is $260,000. I would terraform the island so that it has the look and environment of a sort of tropical island. I would construct many activities and/or parkour courses all over the island with which to, hopefully, hold contests which players can compete in to earn monetary or item rewards. I would also construct some fishing docks for people to fish off of. I would include a modern styled mansion in which I could live. I would like to also include some small bungalows that could be rented for small amounts of money, perhaps similar in pricing to the rent-able regions at /warp fishing. I would also include a public crafting station and farm where anyone can farm and/or craft almost anything they need. If possible, perhaps even a public xp grinding machine if that is legal. So basically, my idea for the island would include a modern style mansion in which I would live with room enough for my close friends to have their own rooms. It would also include several cheap, rent-able bungalows as well as several activities and services for the public. Thank you all for your time, if my bid is not taken into consideration due to the time at which I submitted it due to just now learning of this auction, I completely understand and am grateful for the chance to place my bid.

Deleted member 832

I'm bidding 1.5mil.
My idea for the island stems from the factory towns that appeared in the 1960's in the United States. Basically along with providing an industrious place to work (Slimefun factory) the business owned land around the factory, using it to house it's employees. Basically small houses would be rented out to current, active employees for the cheap.
In my opinion, this would help solve the cheap housing issue, as new players could get decent-sized accommodations AND get jobs that pay much better than any /jobs do, for the most part. Most jobs would be beginner-level factory work, mostly pulling levers and operating simple machines, with some room for advancement into Management/Sales. With an island like this, I could employ and house at least 15-20 people. There would be other amenities of course, and have a 60's postmodern aesthetic (Along the lines of Fallout, if that helps with imagery.)

If anyone can attest to how well I run my business and treat my workers, it's my only current employee @Jojo
@nibble he means one of these:
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