1. Who are you accusing?
LillyEggs and Isabelleggs
2. What are your claims/accusations?
Hi, Me and an anonymous person has reason to believe LillyEggs and Isabelleggs has been stealing alcohol from KewlCafe while I have been Inactive.
We have a TON of chest data of them taking alcohol from the top of the KewlCafe Alcohol Vending machine and Lilly has even admitted to stealing when the anonymous person asked if he could steal too. Guiding him to behind my machine (aka storage) and even destroying blocks as she still had access to KewlMansion.
We started to gather Proof as
during a wedding event she clearly said that she STOLE from "zooms" aka me (zoom6899). Then today me and an anonymous person decided to see into further detail
there has been obvious block placings at the Kewl Cafe Alcohol Vending machine
with signs of destruction etc.
We further went into investigation with @FroztyStars helping gather block data of them taking alcohol or ("Potions")
I would like to sue them 50k each for the dishonesty and distrust and stealing from the KewlCafe as compensation for the alcohol and the stealing.
It has been unfair for a non-for-profit cafe to be treated as such as a "lets take free alcohol from zoom" "he wouldnt know". And disrespecting trust and the workforce.
Yes even though I added them this was because they had worked for me in the past and I could trust.
Oh well, a great ending to 2019.
Attached is Google File Drive for all Chest Data for further reference:
LillyEggs and Isabelleggs
2. What are your claims/accusations?
Hi, Me and an anonymous person has reason to believe LillyEggs and Isabelleggs has been stealing alcohol from KewlCafe while I have been Inactive.
We have a TON of chest data of them taking alcohol from the top of the KewlCafe Alcohol Vending machine and Lilly has even admitted to stealing when the anonymous person asked if he could steal too. Guiding him to behind my machine (aka storage) and even destroying blocks as she still had access to KewlMansion.
We started to gather Proof as
there has been obvious block placings at the Kewl Cafe Alcohol Vending machine
We further went into investigation with @FroztyStars helping gather block data of them taking alcohol or ("Potions")
I would like to sue them 50k each for the dishonesty and distrust and stealing from the KewlCafe as compensation for the alcohol and the stealing.
It has been unfair for a non-for-profit cafe to be treated as such as a "lets take free alcohol from zoom" "he wouldnt know". And disrespecting trust and the workforce.
Yes even though I added them this was because they had worked for me in the past and I could trust.
Oh well, a great ending to 2019.
Attached is Google File Drive for all Chest Data for further reference:
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