Well... It's been a wild ride through my year and half journey with Cities. There's many memories I wish I could share with y’all but it would take hours honestly, so a bit of back story on how I found Cities. So it was the 26th of June 2018, I was looking through a Mc server list and I randomly found McCities and well that’s how it began. I would be lying if I told y’all that I never thought about quitting before. I've seen old and new players join and some have become my greatest friends on this server. I've spent way too much time on this server already to be honest... (130+ Days of /ar time). I don't know if I'll ever be back to play with the community but I hope I will return to the community. I will always remember the closest friends I've ever had in a game and the skills they taught me. The best gang on the server, The Animal Farm (TAF)
I Will Not Be Selling Anything I Own Until Further Notice.
Thank you to all the people who have made my year and a half all worthwhile.
@2704patrick @Aero @Afru @AlohaRiley @AnonymousBro @ayylmfao @Cursed @BatPando @bbytammy @Bray @Bob_49 @Budgie_builder12 @D3rpySpoderman @Death @Duckling @Dope @Draxxion @Dwimmer @Ecry_ @Ena @FancyChips @Faheem_ @frohoffen @FroztyStars @Gabbygytes @Gjegevey @Graphic_elf @ijayx @ItzJazzMade @JacksonRop2442 @RobotKenny @koekie_w @laggynab @Lateley @LeanneTheUnicorn @lostinthewqrld @Mabelqines @Mabelx @MehLife @Minty @mmitchh @Niokuta @Optic @paradise227 @pengyy @Pixel @Powerfull @Ravenex_ @shakaar @Shadow_stalker77 @ShimmyPaw @Smilinq @sundae22 @TheDiamondTiger @TorchoTichy @Trump15024 @Turkey @wisemanjp @zzm6899
Thank you to all the people on the list, you’ve all helped me along my journey. I may of forgotten some people and I’m truly sorry but I can’t remember everyone who has helped me in the past. Love you all and Goodluck in the future! <3
Thank you to all the people who have made my year and a half all worthwhile.
@2704patrick @Aero @Afru @AlohaRiley @AnonymousBro @ayylmfao @Cursed @BatPando @bbytammy @Bray @Bob_49 @Budgie_builder12 @D3rpySpoderman @Death @Duckling @Dope @Draxxion @Dwimmer @Ecry_ @Ena @FancyChips @Faheem_ @frohoffen @FroztyStars @Gabbygytes @Gjegevey @Graphic_elf @ijayx @ItzJazzMade @JacksonRop2442 @RobotKenny @koekie_w @laggynab @Lateley @LeanneTheUnicorn @lostinthewqrld @Mabelqines @Mabelx @MehLife @Minty @mmitchh @Niokuta @Optic @paradise227 @pengyy @Pixel @Powerfull @Ravenex_ @shakaar @Shadow_stalker77 @ShimmyPaw @Smilinq @sundae22 @TheDiamondTiger @TorchoTichy @Trump15024 @Turkey @wisemanjp @zzm6899
Thank you to all the people on the list, you’ve all helped me along my journey. I may of forgotten some people and I’m truly sorry but I can’t remember everyone who has helped me in the past. Love you all and Goodluck in the future! <3