MCCITIES - The Next Chapter


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
Hello everybody, it's Jabu. With the new administration and the new city and updates coming to McCities soon I figured it was time for the current issues and suggestions that in the past, were overlooked by previous administration to be brought out into the light again. A lot of this stuff needs to be given top priority and sorted out before any updates can come.

This list of problems and suggestions will be sorted from most to least urgent with the most urgent being at the top and the least urgent being at the bottom. I'll give a brief description on the subject and why it's such a problem, followed by possible solutions.

1. Inflation and Plot Hoarding
Technically, these two are two separate problems on their own but they they go hand and hand. Anyways, inflation is basically the pool of money in the economy growing as more people join and make money causing prices to get higher than they were the day before , which is a problem because we're seeing noobs and casual players leaving because they can't keep up with the prices. Plot Hoarding is a way someone can take advantage of the growing economy by purchasing a excess of plots for a certain amount one day, and selling them for profit when the prices go up. It is also when wealthy players with a surplus of plots go inactive and log on once a month to reset their 60 day timer, basically denying the newer players the unused plots.

Here are some of the options, which are all compatible with each other.

Option A: Much stricter plot rules on inactivity. Plot resale timer moved to one month, you must have a certain amount of hours played monthly based on how many plots you have.

Option B: Plot Taxes. With any plot being sold above the /as sell price, X% of the profits from the sale will be taken away from the seller. If you own more than X amount of plots you will receive a weekly tax on each of your plots above that marker. The tax will be X% of the /as sell price on each of your plots above the limit. If you fail to pay these taxes your over the limit plots will be taken away from you to be sold to someone who needs it.

Option C: Plot Slot Paywalls. After you own X amount of plots to be able to buy another plot you'll have to purchase a plot slot for $X, increasing in money the more slots you buy. After you own 10-20 plots every time you sell a plot you have to purchase the same slot again to buy another plot for that slot. By far my favorite out of the three.

2. Jail time and Bails
Right now, nobody takes jail seriously. There's not enough penalty for criminals right now to even really care if they get arrested or not. 5 minutes in jail isn't a lot and the jail prices are a joke. None takes cops seriously so it ruins the roleplay of a high stakes chase to get away from the cops.

There's two easy fixes to this, they're compatible together.

Option A: Increase Jail Time. Increase jail time to 10-15 minutes.

Option B: Increase Bails. Make bails 3-5x more expensive and have cops choose if they want to accept bail from a specific person if they're being a nuance.

3. Mythics
Mythics are overpowered weapons and armor that you can get from mobs or from /scroll using EXP. Many have them have higher enchantments on them than you can normally get in vanilla, I've seen protection 7 armor, punch 5 bows etc. But the higher enchantment levels aren't the problem. it's the debuffs that you can put on the items with scrolls that's the problem. They're the most annoying thing ever. Imagine, you're new and you want to explore the city, you leave the safe zone to be immediately killed by people camping with blindness weapons, It's the biggest reason I see noobs quit the server.

There's two options, which are not compatible.

Option A: Disable the Debuffs. Basically keep mythic drops as a plugin but remove all the scrolls from the picture.

Option B: Remove Mythics. Remove the entire mythics plugin from the server as a whole.

4. Re-add Dynmap
The dynmap was a live map of cayman that you could view on a website. It was really cool to see a 3D version of the city. I think it should be re added to help new players navigate the city and help players roleplay travel to their houses instead of just warping.

These are some of the changes I'd like to see. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
I kept on noticing these opinions are influenced by most crims and rich players. I know this is annoying because I experienced the same newbie times before earning the crim’s trust, but everyone has to go through this stage anyways. We can’t get 0 deaths in our entire lifetimes.

Some rich players took months before finally buying their dream mansion plot. There would be more hate if there is a system leasing out plots within a short period of inactiveless.

The purpose of this city is roleplay, not irll decisions. If jail and bail times increased it wouldn’t be as fun as a role player anymore. 5 minutes is pretty decent already, and bails usually go for 1k or above. There is a cop assault rule that already increased jail amounts, but why add more? Someone also mentioned this would demotivate cops as well, but they should know that at the start right? They even have the right to take off duty breaks anyways.

Removing scrolls or even mythics wouldn’t be the best idea. It might sounds personal, but I’ve spent millions of dollars and a lot of time (a few months) to collect scrolls ( and mythics of course). It took me 3 months to get a darkness 4 scroll, which I have dreamed at the start. That’s half of my lifetime in mccities. The best and stacked pvpers went a lot through this to earn their title, and taking it away might seem a bit selfcaring towards players who had barely dedicated their times towards the server. These objectives on scrolls and mythics are one of the main goals that motivates new players to earn that title, and will play longer to seek out those oppotunities.

I had the same feeling in my newbie days and wanted to suggest these ideas as well, but I also understand it can effect players who dedicates their time towards the server. If these ideas are implemented it can cause conflict between the new players and long-time gamers. What random thoughts of owning a mansion can become a raging debate in the server, and a flash second of frowning after getting killed can result in the longest fights newbies ever had towards older gamers. Game devs would’ve already removed or changed these features already if they found it necessary anyways.

On the bright side, I really loved the idea of a brief minimal at cayman center. The devs are already limiting places in Cayman to increase a sense of roleplay, and a map can definitely encourage that. Cheers ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2018
je balzak
i agree on most of this but like there are people who invested more then 25m in their gear and mythical weapons and they all lost that? i think noobies can just go work first and make much cash and after that buy some good gear thats what i did first month i couldnt walk outside in bank but now there are people scared of me so just by working all comes good


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
I kept on noticing these opinions are influenced by most crims and rich players. I know this is annoying because I experienced the same newbie times before earning the crim’s trust, but everyone has to go through this stage anyways. We can’t get 0 deaths in our entire lifetimes.

Some rich players took months before finally buying their dream mansion plot. There would be more hate if there is a system leasing out plots within a short period of inactiveless.

Of course it would be influenced by the rich because they are the ones that actually explore the city to look for plots they might be interested in. Explore the city for twenty minutes and it becomes very clear that around 40-50% of the plots are owned by the same 10-20 people, with an even higher percentage for mansions. It's so hard to find mansions not because there isn't there is a lack of mansions, but because majority of the mansions are unused and bought by those same hoarders or inactives who wont budge.
The purpose of this city is roleplay, not irll decisions. If jail and bail times increased it wouldn’t be as fun as a role player anymore. 5 minutes is pretty decent already, and bails usually go for 1k or above. There is a cop assault rule that already increased jail amounts, but why add more? Someone also mentioned this would demotivate cops as well, but they should know that at the start right? They even have the right to take off duty breaks anyways.

Exactly, this is roleplay. Cops should have the option to deny and keep people in jail if they're ruining that same roleplay by being toxic.

The jail time and bails should be higher to make it so players are more cautious about how their approach is in doing those crimes as to not get caught, and would actually give players actual penalty for constantly killing noobs. I've seen players at bank punching everyone out of the safe zone and just being a nuance for no reason till they get jailed only to immediately bail for $250 and do it again. Explain to me, how is that roleplay?

Removing scrolls or even mythics wouldn’t be the best idea. It might sounds personal, but I’ve spent millions of dollars and a lot of time (a few months) to collect scrolls ( and mythics of course). It took me 3 months to get a darkness 4 scroll, which I have dreamed at the start. That’s half of my lifetime in mccities. The best and stacked pvpers went a lot through this to earn their title, and taking it away might seem a bit selfcaring towards players who had barely dedicated their times towards the server. These objectives on scrolls and mythics are one of the main goals that motivates new players to earn that title, and will play longer to seek out those oppotunities.
i agree on most of this but like there are people who invested more then 25m in their gear and mythical weapons and they all lost that? i think noobies can just go work first and make much cash and after that buy some good gear thats what i did first month i couldnt walk outside in bank but now there are people scared of me so just by working all comes good

Yeah, some people might be upset about it because they did spend their money on mythics, which I get. But if someone has spent 25m on pvp gear, they honestly might as well go to a pvp server if they're taking it that seriously. Like you said, this is a roleplay server, so tell me what do mythics add to the roleplay of a city server?

Game devs would’ve already removed or changed these features already if they found it necessary anyways.

If you had read what I said:
With the new administration and the new city and updates coming to McCities soon I figured it was time for the current issues and suggestions that in the past, were overlooked by previous administration to be brought out into the light again.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
your attic
I agree with everything except for mythic’s suggestions but other then that I think they would be great things for mccities.
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
Hello everybody, it's Jabu. With the new administration and the new city and updates coming to McCities soon I figured it was time for the current issues and suggestions that in the past, were overlooked by previous administration to be brought out into the light again. A lot of this stuff needs to be given top priority and sorted out before any updates can come.

This list of problems and suggestions will be sorted from most to least urgent with the most urgent being at the top and the least urgent being at the bottom. I'll give a brief description on the subject and why it's such a problem, followed by possible solutions.

1. Inflation and Plot Hoarding
Technically, these two are two separate problems on their own but they they go hand and hand. Anyways, inflation is basically the pool of money in the economy growing as more people join and make money causing prices to get higher than they were the day before , which is a problem because we're seeing noobs and casual players leaving because they can't keep up with the prices. Plot Hoarding is a way someone can take advantage of the growing economy by purchasing a excess of plots for a certain amount one day, and selling them for profit when the prices go up. It is also when wealthy players with a surplus of plots go inactive and log on once a month to reset their 60 day timer, basically denying the newer players the unused plots.

Here are some of the options, which are all compatible with each other.

Option A: Much stricter plot rules on inactivity. Plot resale timer moved to one month, you must have a certain amount of hours played monthly based on how many plots you have.

Option B: Plot Taxes. With any plot being sold above the /as sell price, X% of the profits from the sale will be taken away from the seller. If you own more than X amount of plots you will receive a weekly tax on each of your plots above that marker. The tax will be X% of the /as sell price on each of your plots above the limit. If you fail to pay these taxes your over the limit plots will be taken away from you to be sold to someone who needs it.

Option C: Plot Slot Paywalls. After you own X amount of plots to be able to buy another plot you'll have to purchase a plot slot for $X, increasing in money the more slots you buy. After you own 10-20 plots every time you sell a plot you have to purchase the same slot again to buy another plot for that slot. By far my favorite out of the three.

2. Jail time and Bails
Right now, nobody takes jail seriously. There's not enough penalty for criminals right now to even really care if they get arrested or not. 5 minutes in jail isn't a lot and the jail prices are a joke. None takes cops seriously so it ruins the roleplay of a high stakes chase to get away from the cops.

There's two easy fixes to this, they're compatible together.

Option A: Increase Jail Time. Increase jail time to 10-15 minutes.

Option B: Increase Bails. Make bails 3-5x more expensive and have cops choose if they want to accept bail from a specific person if they're being a nuance.

3. Mythics
Mythics are overpowered weapons and armor that you can get from mobs or from /scroll using EXP. Many have them have higher enchantments on them than you can normally get in vanilla, I've seen protection 7 armor, punch 5 bows etc. But the higher enchantment levels aren't the problem. it's the debuffs that you can put on the items with scrolls that's the problem. They're the most annoying thing ever. Imagine, you're new and you want to explore the city, you leave the safe zone to be immediately killed by people camping with blindness weapons, It's the biggest reason I see noobs quit the server.

There's two options, which are not compatible.

Option A: Disable the Debuffs. Basically keep mythic drops as a plugin but remove all the scrolls from the picture.

Option B: Remove Mythics. Remove the entire mythics plugin from the server as a whole.

4. Re-add Dynmap
The dynmap was a live map of cayman that you could view on a website. It was really cool to see a 3D version of the city. I think it should be re added to help new players navigate the city and help players roleplay travel to their houses instead of just warping.

These are some of the changes I'd like to see. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

1: A bit late to effectively control inflation now, but I do believe plot hoarding is a significant problem. I don't really know about option A (unless the player is hoarding a TON of plots), option B makes sense and could be effective, but I think option C with refinement. Instead of having slots, Maybe there should be an extra cost for a plot depending on how many you currently have. For example …

If you have 0 plots and you buy HOUSE123 (reselling for 100k), it would cost you 100k.

If you have 2 plots and you buy HOUSE123 (reselling for 100k), it would cost you 140k.

If you have 10 plots and you buy HOUSE123 (reselling for 100k), it would cost you 300k.

I'm not talking about % values since that could easily be bypassed with low house prices and /pay, I'm saying varing (depending on # of plots owned) premium when doing the command /as buy.

2: Agreed

3: I don't know about removing the debuffs, but I believe scroll drop chances were lowered significantly. We're just now seeing a build up of mythic items, now used.

4: Cool feature, should be re-added