Hey guys recently I haven’t went on to play and I’ve been inactive lately. I’m sorry to say that I’m quitting McCities, I have lost interest in Minecraft in general and that includes McCities. I also resigned from my position as Sr Police officer. I thought on this for a while before quitting but I have finally decided that it is my time to go. I had many fun experiences with all of you, from being a criminal to a cop. Man, cities has changed so much since it first started and I grew a lot since then. I will always remember all of you for what you have did for me.
I want to give a special shoutout to the people who made my life in mccities more meaningful @cops Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a cop and join the force! I had fun being a cop and catching criminals. @Jabu I will always remember you Jabu when we fought side by side in bank. @Grill I will always love you even if I’m leaving, you were always there for me when I needed you most. @Dwarf Hey dwarf thanks, you really helped me out when I first started and it’s sad that I’m leaving but thanks for all the times you helped me out @Josh Thanks for being hot bro! @Gjegevey Don’t be lazyyyyy @Leanne Thanks for giving me the opportunity to become a police and I really appreciate it. @MjStarWars You were the best ig son a dad could have. @Tricoh Bye mum
@Briah Bye dad @Jaypi I will always remember you squid @Skyler Granny nevah forget me! @SnowieBear Thanks for being there snowww bear @Davi I remember when we hated each other and kept fighting, @Lava Thanks for always being there when I needed you and being a good friend @Dani Thanks for always being a good friend @eddy Thanks for being a good friend @Graphy You will always be the best neko, gi me some cookies! @seb I had fun working alongside u @Death I remember when you sold me drugs and when you wore that baby girl outfit hahahaha. Thanks for always being there for me man, I’m sorry I had to go but keep in touch.
Sorry to everyone I wasn’t able to mention. Thank you for taking the time to read this, goodbye everyone!
I want to give a special shoutout to the people who made my life in mccities more meaningful @cops Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a cop and join the force! I had fun being a cop and catching criminals. @Jabu I will always remember you Jabu when we fought side by side in bank. @Grill I will always love you even if I’m leaving, you were always there for me when I needed you most. @Dwarf Hey dwarf thanks, you really helped me out when I first started and it’s sad that I’m leaving but thanks for all the times you helped me out @Josh Thanks for being hot bro! @Gjegevey Don’t be lazyyyyy @Leanne Thanks for giving me the opportunity to become a police and I really appreciate it. @MjStarWars You were the best ig son a dad could have. @Tricoh Bye mum
Sorry to everyone I wasn’t able to mention. Thank you for taking the time to read this, goodbye everyone!