MadRhapsody playin the field.
First of all you all may or may not know my secret and silent wish for an island...
When I started working on captain I was bored and it seemed like a funny thing to do. I have seen the island progress and grow and its one beautifull place!
I have a lot of plans for the island but the ones I can safely share in short:
-make it public
-have different neighberhoods with different styles of houses.
-keep the terraform style of the island
-keep the cave system intact aka regioning houses wihout basements or only 20 blocks deep.
-have the normal city facilities.
-harbour with boats
-train system for quick travel around the island
This is in short build related.
To keep the island active I would have multiple spits on the island for event purposes. I have a storyline for the island in mind and would also host some simple minigames.
The goal for the island:
Nice looking city/living area with nice hotspots. Stuff for the rich and the poor. Updating the island frequently with events and storyline.
I tried it as short as possible. I will ofc first plan everything out and try to keep most of the current captain intact.
My bid?
18m. Keep in mind I need money to pay archs for the island too and make my plans into reality