Staff Resignation


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014

Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online.
Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I no longer have the time to do my duties. Life currently requires my full attention, so by doing so I will not be active and just be hurting the server if I stay. Me leaving should not have negative effects on the server. Updates should come out regularly, and maybe even better than before.

It has definitely been quite the journey to me, starting three years ago as a regular player learning about the server to climbing the rank ladder up to owner. Had my fun and sad moments on this server, but it always was the community, staff and friends that drove me to keep going, and goes without saying my friend Stan, @Admin who I have seen wonders with over the time I have stayed, such a nice and genuine person. Full respect to him.

Then comes my nemesis, @nibble who I have seen improve over time, whether in administration, coding or communication.. one can't deny his work and dedication. I am sure you will bring McCities to even greater heights with such an amazing community and staff team on your side. Truly proud of you and your virtual kittens.

The amazing people and friends I have met over the years definitely deserve a shoutout. I'm sure I will be missing a few, so sorry if I don't mention your name, but goes without saying that you'd know your worth to me if we ever talked. @Heather @DarkMagicinY @Izzie @laggynab @LeanneTheUnicorn @sundae22 @EnderPoop @Turkey @JustYourTypical , the community and staff team. Love you, thanks for the wonderful times.

Forgive me if I was ever rough on you, I usually don't mean to (unless you deserved it, in that case I'm not sorry :p)

I will be watching McCities from the sidelines. Will I have an active role? No, but I'll try and help if I could, but I officially have no powers in major decisions and over staff anymore. Kiri will be in charge of that, with the help of the staff team.

And I guess here it ends for me. Hope next time I pay a visit I find you all happy and satisfied, and if you ever need to talk with me, always welcomed to do so on Discord.

Stay safe and healthy everyone, farewell.




Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online.
Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I no longer have the time to do my duties. Life currently requires my full attention, so by doing so I will not be active and just be hurting the server if I stay. Me leaving should not have negative effects on the server. Updates should come out regularly, and maybe even better than before.

It has definitely been quite the journey to me, starting three years ago as a regular player learning about the server to climbing the rank ladder up to owner. Had my fun and sad moments on this server, but it always was the community, staff and friends that drove me to keep going, and goes without saying my friend Stan, @Admin who I have seen wonders with over the time I have stayed, such a nice and genuine person. Full respect to him.

Then comes my nemesis, @nibble who I have seen improve over time, whether in administration, coding or communication.. one can't deny his work and dedication. I am sure you will bring McCities to even greater heights with such an amazing community and staff team on your side. Truly proud of you and your virtual kittens.

The amazing people and friends I have met over the years definitely deserve a shoutout. I'm sure I will be missing a few, so sorry if I don't mention your name, but goes without saying that you'd know your worth to me if we ever talked. @Heather @DarkMagicinY @Izzie @laggynab @LeanneTheUnicorn @sundae22 @EnderPoop @Turkey @JustYourTypical , the community and staff team. Love you, thanks for the wonderful times.

Forgive me if I was ever rough on you, I usually don't mean to (unless you deserved it, in that case I'm not sorry :p)

I will be watching McCities from the sidelines. Will I have an active role? No, but I'll try and help if I could, but I officially have no powers in major decisions and over staff anymore. Kiri will be in charge of that, with the help of the staff team.

And I guess here it ends for me. Hope next time I pay a visit I find you all happy and satisfied, and if you ever need to talk with me, always welcomed to do so on Discord.

Stay safe and healthy everyone, farewell.

I know I am not your favorite person on the server but I will really miss you! I know the work you have done on the server and McCities will miss you.

PS: I was the first one to notice


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
I am going to miss you so much even though I just creepily stalked you on here...erm um... lets just ignore that... but I will really miss you and I understand where you're coming from with wanting to step down. I hope you have a safe and happy life, and that you can go do some amazing things irl. <3


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
Coban, I never really knew you very well. I never really knew how much you actually did for the server, most of it was behind the scenes. Most people didn't realize it. My first time seeing you online was the day you got promoted from co owner to owner from zain, I had no idea who you were really were. When I realized how much you actually did for the server. Even if you were not online a whole lot, what you did behind the scenes made up for it. This is the first farewell ever on cities that has made me shed a tear. Thank you so much, Coban.

Best of luck in everything in the future


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
Well... I guess this is it. Thank you for all you’ve done for the server, and thank you for all the help and support you gave me. Many times when I had questions or issues to be addressed you and Kiri were always there. Good luck, and thanks


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Coban- the day I saw you tagged me in a post was one incredible day- the day I became part of the team you looked over. I am so glad to be staff, and while I didn’t know you very well, I hope you have a great life ahead, and I do think this is the right decision, if you think so. You were always so responsive as an owner, saying hello back when I said hello, and asking how my day was. Your commitment and dedication was nothing short of amazing to this server, and I wish you the best of luck with all of your matters.



Cyber Bullied
Dec 7, 2016

Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online.
Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I no longer have the time to do my duties. Life currently requires my full attention, so by doing so I will not be active and just be hurting the server if I stay. Me leaving should not have negative effects on the server. Updates should come out regularly, and maybe even better than before.

It has definitely been quite the journey to me, starting three years ago as a regular player learning about the server to climbing the rank ladder up to owner. Had my fun and sad moments on this server, but it always was the community, staff and friends that drove me to keep going, and goes without saying my friend Stan, @Admin who I have seen wonders with over the time I have stayed, such a nice and genuine person. Full respect to him.

Then comes my nemesis, @nibble who I have seen improve over time, whether in administration, coding or communication.. one can't deny his work and dedication. I am sure you will bring McCities to even greater heights with such an amazing community and staff team on your side. Truly proud of you and your virtual kittens.

The amazing people and friends I have met over the years definitely deserve a shoutout. I'm sure I will be missing a few, so sorry if I don't mention your name, but goes without saying that you'd know your worth to me if we ever talked. @Heather @DarkMagicinY @Izzie @laggynab @LeanneTheUnicorn @sundae22 @EnderPoop @Turkey @JustYourTypical , the community and staff team. Love you, thanks for the wonderful times.

Forgive me if I was ever rough on you, I usually don't mean to (unless you deserved it, in that case I'm not sorry :p)

I will be watching McCities from the sidelines. Will I have an active role? No, but I'll try and help if I could, but I officially have no powers in major decisions and over staff anymore. Kiri will be in charge of that, with the help of the staff team.

And I guess here it ends for me. Hope next time I pay a visit I find you all happy and satisfied, and if you ever need to talk with me, always welcomed to do so on Discord.

Stay safe and healthy everyone, farewell.

I shall miss your gifs, I wish you best of luck in life. Also, hit me up on discord sometime


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017

Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online.
Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I no longer have the time to do my duties. Life currently requires my full attention, so by doing so I will not be active and just be hurting the server if I stay. Me leaving should not have negative effects on the server. Updates should come out regularly, and maybe even better than before.

It has definitely been quite the journey to me, starting three years ago as a regular player learning about the server to climbing the rank ladder up to owner. Had my fun and sad moments on this server, but it always was the community, staff and friends that drove me to keep going, and goes without saying my friend Stan, @Admin who I have seen wonders with over the time I have stayed, such a nice and genuine person. Full respect to him.

Then comes my nemesis, @nibble who I have seen improve over time, whether in administration, coding or communication.. one can't deny his work and dedication. I am sure you will bring McCities to even greater heights with such an amazing community and staff team on your side. Truly proud of you and your virtual kittens.

The amazing people and friends I have met over the years definitely deserve a shoutout. I'm sure I will be missing a few, so sorry if I don't mention your name, but goes without saying that you'd know your worth to me if we ever talked. @Heather @DarkMagicinY @Izzie @laggynab @LeanneTheUnicorn @sundae22 @EnderPoop @Turkey @JustYourTypical , the community and staff team. Love you, thanks for the wonderful times.

Forgive me if I was ever rough on you, I usually don't mean to (unless you deserved it, in that case I'm not sorry :p)

I will be watching McCities from the sidelines. Will I have an active role? No, but I'll try and help if I could, but I officially have no powers in major decisions and over staff anymore. Kiri will be in charge of that, with the help of the staff team.

And I guess here it ends for me. Hope next time I pay a visit I find you all happy and satisfied, and if you ever need to talk with me, always welcomed to do so on Discord.

Stay safe and healthy everyone, farewell.

:( You were my favorite staff on the server because you were open to my questiond even if it was so irritating at times. Despite me being such a headache you still bothered to help me out. Its sad to see you go but I think you have a great life ahead of you and a life more than a game could give.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
under my covers. Lemme alone
Coban. I know I've only seen you online a couple times, I really appreciate what you've done for the server, and I shall sadly bid you farewell. You were a great staff and I respected you for helping, owning, and building this server. Either way. Friends will come, friends will go. But we will always remember you.
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My dearest Ahmed,

It's funny how it took you almost a year to finally take this step. I remember last spring when you first told me you where planning on resigning, and had a plan that you wanted to implement to keep the server in good hands. While most of that stuff never happened since you always were all talk and not much to back it up, I'm glad that I got to have you around until I left.

Leaving the server is a big step, especially when we've poured so much of our heart and soul into it. It hurts really, and I'm sure it'll hurt for you too. I enjoyed our talks, even after I left, and I still cherish the times when we spent hours laughing and joking around.

Maybe this will be a good step for the server, since for most of my time as admin and even the years before that you were very inactive. It's always good to have people in charge who know the game well and actually play it, because by connecting with the content they learn how to make it better.

Best of luck to you in the future with life and classes and exams. Remember that there's always a place for you on the farm my love. You know how to contact me if you ever need a friend.

Best wishes, Heather


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2016
Gosh damn you Coban, I'm at a sleepover so I can't be sad :') thank you for everything that you brought to the server, for making me happy, and everything you made, you have gave me great sadness and I feel proud of what you have done for this wonderful server ma duud but, I wish you luck in life and hope to see you active, but I wish everything for you and if anyone (staff sees) DON'T QUIT STAFF LIKE GAWD DON'T DO THIS TO ME I'M LOOKING AT YOU COBAN -0-


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 1, 2017
yingr hingr dingr
Goodbye Coban,
As my time as staff you were always a kind friend that I could rely on, even though sometimes we argued, I enjoyed knowing you and making memories. It's sad to see another good staff friend leave, but I do understand that life calls and sometimes you have to pick up. You always had a good sense of humour with Kiri, I'll miss you Cuba.

- Lucy


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Nov 7, 2016
You’ve been so helpful and kind to me when I’ve been struggling. I appreciate you so much and will really miss you. Thank you for helping me and being a great friend. Best of luck with everything, I’m gonna miss you so much :(