Welcome to our new company- PuzzleTower!
Puzzle tower is basically a room escape, but in a tower, with lots of different puzzles to complete!
If you manage to complete the levels in a certain amount of time (the faster you are, the better the prizes!) you WIN AMAZING STUFF!! XD
We will also be holding competitions and events in the future! (woohoo!)
Feel free to contact and employees or owners about prices or bookings!
Created and CEO: CraziiTabby
Co-owners: ItzSavageUnicorn, Magic_terminator and QueenMelone (@Unicorn10110Pink, @Magic_Terminator , @MissWaterMelone )
Apply for employee here! https://goo.gl/forms/NdQv3oIlJcUUcntm2
You can apply once a week!
Feel free to ask any questions!
Welcome to our new company- PuzzleTower!
Puzzle tower is basically a room escape, but in a tower, with lots of different puzzles to complete!
If you manage to complete the levels in a certain amount of time (the faster you are, the better the prizes!) you WIN AMAZING STUFF!! XD
We will also be holding competitions and events in the future! (woohoo!)
Feel free to contact and employees or owners about prices or bookings!
Created and CEO: CraziiTabby
Co-owners: ItzSavageUnicorn, Magic_terminator and QueenMelone (@Unicorn10110Pink, @Magic_Terminator , @MissWaterMelone )
Apply for employee here! https://goo.gl/forms/NdQv3oIlJcUUcntm2
You can apply once a week!
Feel free to ask any questions!