Search results

  1. Wolfloverlol

    Hiring workers for Wolf Bar & Grill

    Start a convo on here with me,/mail me in game, talk to me in game, or dm me on discord @18x16#9677 I will have a mail box in game 2 -3 mall spots to the left of nmall-26 by tonight, you can also put your applications on a book and quill and sign them with your in game name and then hit sign and...
  2. Wolfloverlol

    6 double chests disappeared

    Username: 18x16 What you were doing before this occurred: looking through my chests in my farm plot What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: 6 double chests/12 single chests Location:farmplot-27 in basement 3 When I clicked them to open them they disappeared and were...
  3. Wolfloverlol

    Denied 18x16 Arch App

    What is your username? 18x16 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes, @18x16#9677 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) /plot home 1 5. Why do you want to be an architect? Because I love...
  4. Wolfloverlol

    Denied 18x16’s teacher app

    My ign is 18x16 The subject i want to teach is: P.E. i would do running around the gym, i would do this like an irl gym class, I would also be willing to do things students suggest with a vote for some of the options they pick with the majority that say something like "me" or "count me in" etc...
  5. Wolfloverlol


  6. Wolfloverlol

    Sadly Quitting D:

    Hello guys, This is Wolfloverlol's quitting post D: So, The reason why im quitting is because im getting more bored by the hour on mccities, (I know this isnt a good reason, but i literally just come online to talk to people and afk there), but Here's all the people i want to give recognition...
  7. Wolfloverlol

    Denied Wolfloverlol arch app

    What is your username? Wolfloverlol 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes, @Wolfloverlol#9677 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) /plot home 1 5. Why do you want to be an architect...
  8. Wolfloverlol

    Selling H56 is up for auction

    I am auctioning off h56 starting bid is 300K place your bids here or /mail send PrankStarREE in game your bid Image of plot Bid ends on Thursday February 28th might extend the bid if needed
  9. Wolfloverlol


    Hello is all I have to say i am now 17
  10. Wolfloverlol

    Buying Buying a gauss

    msg me on here or in game @ PrankStarREE if you will sell me a gauss for 450K no higher
  11. Wolfloverlol

    Buying Buying an apartment building

    Please let me know on forums in game or on discord @ PrankStarREE#9677 if you have an apartment building I can buy for 150K at most
  12. Wolfloverlol

    Presidents Day week sale for store

    I wanna suggest that for the week of presidents day the store should have some sort of sale like 10-20% off like on ranks, etc. It is a national holiday that has some sales during the week of presidents day in real life, so why not have a sale on the server store on the week of Presidents Day...
  13. Wolfloverlol

    Should I start Mccities news 2.0?

    If you think I should start mccities news 2.0 and release news of mccities weekly vote on the poll above! I would really like to start mccities news 2.0 ASAP
  14. Wolfloverlol

    i need help with something

    IF you know of any video editing software that allows me to record my screen, but it's fine if you don't find one that allows screen recording please let me know either in this post on in a dm on forums, i'd like the link either in this thread or in a dm on forums and my price range is a max...
  15. Wolfloverlol

    Feel free to post your favorite song lyrics in here

    Please feel free to post your favorite songs lyrics here i'd suggest googling the song title then lyrics ex: Fix you lyrics CAN BE ANYTYPE That has no bad words and is CLEAN Can also be Christian song Lyrics!!! There might be some give aways for this if i listen to the song you post the...
  16. Wolfloverlol

    Not able to link minecraft account to forums

    Anyone know why we cant link our minecraft account to forums? the command it says to use is /link which is now to link your rank from the server to the discord, any way we can even link a minecraft account to forums now? i had my forums account (this one) linked to my old account then i changed...
  17. Wolfloverlol

    Funny jokes on this thread :D

    Ok, if you have any funny jokes that are appropriate, clean, nothing that could offend people and no racist jokes are to be put on this thread Please keep the jokes PG and appropriate, If there are any that's not appropriate, and not PG I will have staff delete the post. Also please use the...
  18. Wolfloverlol

    Denied AfraidAF's Teacher App

    My ign is AfraidAF The subject i want to teach is: P.E. i would do running around the gym, i would do this like an irl gym class, I would also be willing to do things students suggest with a vote for some of the options they pick with the majority that say something like "me" or "count me in"...
  19. Wolfloverlol

    Stolen horse

    1. Who are you accusing? @WraithAF 2. What are your claims/accusations? WraithAF stole my horse and even admitted it in a msg and on discord he said on discord the horse was put in a79 that is for resell i went there and it wasn't there, then later on he said it was all a joke, and i also asked...
  20. Wolfloverlol

    Selling Auctioning off Nmall-18

    I Am auctioning nmall-18 starting bid is 20K either reply here with your bid or /mail send AfraidAF in game your bid BIDS END ON SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10TH 2019 AT 2 PM EST