Search results

  1. Wolfloverlol

    Plot needs to be given back

    Ok, my in game wife @KathyAndTCK is giving my plot back to be since she was holding it for me while I was inactive the plot name is h423 and I would also like the apartments ubregioned too. @KathyAndTCK do you agree to giving me the plot back?
  2. Wolfloverlol

    Going inactive again

    hey, i will only be on 2-3 times a week for a while. But im not sure how long it will be like that but i will miss being on every day! i hope to see you guys when im online!
  3. Wolfloverlol

    Wolf Reql Estates Is hiring

    Msg me in game @WolfFam1 or mail me in game @WolfFam1 to apply and the discord is Or to apply Please use this format Username Rank(must be citizen or higher) Ar time(total /ar time) Why you want this job What makes you better at this job over others Weekly hours you...
  4. Wolfloverlol

    Completed Land lord change

    My user name is WolfFam1 I’d like all the apartments in my region h423 to be under my name for the landlord there’s 2 apartments I need to have me put at landlord Landlord needs to be WolfFam1
  5. Wolfloverlol

    Buying Buying a farm plot

    Msg me in game or mail me in game @WolfFam1 if you will sell me your farm plot for 30K
  6. Wolfloverlol

    Selling House for sale

    Fay5 is going to be up for sale for 140K current offer is 140K reply with offers on this forums post
  7. Wolfloverlol

    Color codes for books and quills

    IF anyone knows how i can put colored text in a book and quill please put the color codes in this forums post, I have asked the server with several people online, and no one gave me an answer. So if you can either find an image of color codes for books and quills online to put in this forums...
  8. Wolfloverlol

    Case Closed Court case against timber28

    1. Who are you accusing? @timber28 2. What are your claims/accusations? I loaned timber28 $800 3 weeks ago, and it needed to be paid by october 20th 2018, its is now 6 days late, He now owes me 350K, I am going to give him 3 weeks to get me the 350K, and if not paid in 3 weeks I will let an...
  9. Wolfloverlol

    A plugin suggestion

    So, I was thinking that there should be a command/plugin that allows us to file bankruptcy, because then if that is added, we could support other people by helping them out with tips on how to not go bankrupt if they filed for bankruptcy just like you can file bankruptcy in real like, THe time...
  10. Wolfloverlol

    Buying I’m buying farm plots

    I’m buying farm plots for 10K, if you have one you can sell me for 10K just mail me or if I’m online just msg me! I’m @WolfFam1 in game
  11. Wolfloverlol

    Denied WolfFam1 arch app

    1. What is your username? Wolffam1 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes, @Wolfloverlol#9677 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) /plot home 1 5. Why do you want to be an architect...
  12. Wolfloverlol

    Denied 18x16 teacher app

    My ign is 18x16 The subject i want to teach is: how to save money, making sf items, and how to find the correct job that fits you. My rank is: Citizen I would warn them then if they continue to misbehave i will send them to the principals office. Yes i have a discord account my discord is...
  13. Wolfloverlol

    Case Closed Court case against SoulWaffle

    1. Who are you accusing? @SoulWaffle 2. What are your claims/accusations? He stole my green lightsaber out of my item frame that I spent 15k on 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? No
  14. Wolfloverlol

    Denied 18x16 teacher application

    My ign is 18x16 The subject i want to teach is: how to save money, how money should be spent, and how to find the correct job that fits you. My rank is: Citizen I will give them 2 warnings, first warning I will tell them please stop what ever you are doing, second warning I will send them out in...
  15. Wolfloverlol

    Going inactive

    Hey I will be in active for a while, but I will try to be online 4-5 times a month. I just recently got a game to work on my laptop that has never worked on my laptop before, so that’s what I’m going inactive. I have had a great time with each and every one of you! @Spyders_Crypt thank you for...
  16. Wolfloverlol

    Completed WolfFam1's city to creative transfer

    Username is: WolfFam1 City plot: h7 Creative plot: 25;-39 I also want the basements transferred with it
  17. Wolfloverlol

    Denied WolfFam1's Arch application

    1. What is your username? WolfFam1 2. What is your server rank? Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? yes, my discord is @Wolfloverlol#9677 4. What builds would you like to submit? /plot home 2 5. Why do you want to be an architect? I love to help people build and i am able to work on...
  18. Wolfloverlol

    I'm hiring for my farming Company!

    Follow this Format to apply! Your ign: How many hours a week you can work: Why you want to work for my company:
  19. Wolfloverlol

    Wolf Bar is hiring 3 people

    First three people to apply with the format will get the job! Format: Username: hours you can work a week Why you want the job:
  20. Wolfloverlol

    Food suggestions for my Food bar

    What food should i sell at my Food bar?