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  1. nibble

    Update Update log - 8/17/17

    * Fixed /track to not track in new wild * wild check for /tpa * Anti nether portal trap added (Basically just warps you to spawn if you are in a portal block after 15 seconds of entering a portal) * Minor changes that you won't notice * Chorus Fruit changes (You eat them, but you won't be...
  2. nibble

    Update Wild reset!

    New wild is now in place of /warp wild The old wild warp will last for next 5 days in the form of /warp oldwild, be sure to take everything before then! * Naming items in anvil fixed * Some other minor changes that are not particularly visible in-game
  3. nibble

    Update Update log - 8/2/17

    * Nerfed blacksmith * You can no longer /sethome in regions you do not have access to * Fixed minor stuff like spelling error for receiving reputation (smh @Coban) * 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 client support
  4. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/24/17

    * Chat format reverted * Some other minor changes
  5. nibble

    Vote for your chat format

    1. 2. 3.
  6. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/15/17

    * Broken leg chance reduced (Not lowering further) * Doctor remedy stock is now much more limited and resets every restart * You can now create /mp shops in the hospital (Allowing doctors to sell their remedy)
  7. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/14/17

    + Farmer (Cooldown: 2 seconds)
  8. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/13/17

    * Npc disappearing should be fixed * Some other fix (classroom chat) * Other changes that aren't really visible in-game
  9. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/11/17

    * You can no longer "store" items inside the smartwatch and doctor gui * If a player requests you to tp to them (tpahere) you are warned if the player is in the wild Company: We are having a rather unexpected problems with the plugin currently. We believe it to be either a server version...
  10. nibble

    Update Company - Read if you own a company

    Due to how faulty the companiesmanager plugin is, I've decided to revert to the old companies plugin. Here's how the process will work: I'll go through the list of current companies and refund the bank balance & capital to the respective owners of the company You can use that to open up a new...
  11. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/6/17

    - Swimming animation disabled + Other vehicles added * Vehicle clearing will now occur every 6 hours, be sure to keep them with you at all times * You may no longer auction items like: Weed, Repair token, Steroids, and Cocaine * other minor fixes *Tanks are more durable (effective next restart)
  12. nibble

    Update Update log - 7/2/17

    + Company plugin (/cm) - Company balance is not used as a bank, you may not deposit more than 500k, or your balance may be taken away.
  13. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/30/17

    - Removed taxes as it was unnecessary with bank; we'll just find other ways to take your money :Evil: (Yes, I added this emote just for this update log)
  14. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/29/17

    * Fixed Sweetwort not being in the doctor * Reworked the demotion system (Millionaire > Citizen, etc) to work properly
  15. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/28/17

    * Removed grammar filters ( Who needs them on minecraft? (; ) * changed some of the filters (words like title are no longer filtered)
  16. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/25/17

    * /unlock now also unlocks paintings/item frame (due to nature of these entities, you have to face above them to remove it) * Other minor changes I can't recall
  17. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/23/17

    * Different swimming animation * Swim kick (shift)
  18. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/22/17

    * Disabled item identifying in mythicdrops (Listener was causing lag for some reason) * Other slight optimizations
  19. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/21/17

    * Nerfed certain things in jobs * added Sweetbrine to doctor may be edited later
  20. nibble

    Update Update log - 6/18/17

    * Smart watch release Trump/Gabriel's Apple store got an early release version of them for sale