Search results

  1. nibble

    Update Update log - 3/27/17

    * relogging in bank will teleport you back to bank * /back to bank patched + semi auto-replant added at /warp farm (will only auto-replant if you break fully grown potatoes) - brewery disabled for the time being
  2. nibble

    Update Update log - 3/24/17

    + /reaction top * disabled fishing in creative + new emotes (hugme and flowersmile) * Company bank disabled * Buffed Lumberjack base pay (Removed killing) * Buffed Miner base pay (Removed killing) * Buffed Hunter * Buffed Blacksmith * Disabled broken leg for time being * SrDoctor exam fixed
  3. nibble

    Update Update log - 3/17/17

    * patched /back into bank maze/vault * relogging in the maze/vault will now warp you to the bank * less sensitivity on anticheat to allow players to not get pulled back so often
  4. nibble

    Update Scheduled update 3-12-17

    Originally, the bank robbery was going to be released after a life insurance plugin was completed; however, it seems that almost no progression was made to the plugin we've ordered, so I've decided that I will use a non-custom plugin for now to replace it until we get one done for all the people...
  5. nibble

    Update Scheduled maintenance

    There will be a maintenance on 3/1/17, 3 PM east for further optimization for the server. Bank reset Bank will be reset on 3/5/17, so please take out all the money you have in the bank, thank you.
  6. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/24/17

    - Removal of automatic kick for "Language" * Added few more commands to the menu * vehicle should now be able to be placed
  7. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/17/17

    * Optimized server performance + Test plugin is done! expect changes with jobs soon * /help menu updates (WIP) - Removal of nametaghide plugin, we'll likely get one custom coded. It has been proven inefficient and therefore has been taken out. Server may be offline sometime before/during...
  8. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/16/17

    + Bartender at /warp casino * Few minor edits in different plugins (not really all that noticeable) In Progress: Health insurance and new Tests plugin
  9. nibble

    Selling builds

    We will start buying up builds that you don't use / want to scrape off to make new builds. Format property name: screenshot of the build: minimum price for the build: We're simply buying builds off players because we don't want to see players throwing away perfectly fine builds. You should...
  10. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/11/17

    + Few back-end improvements * Work on the overall bank plugin (nothing noticeable to players as of now) * Invincibility enabled on few of the non-pvp areas to prevent uranium/trinket killing + automatic fishing contests every 2 hours * Doctor exam fixed (applicable after restart)
  11. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/8/17

    + Bank + Dual wield * Voting now gives 30 levels now, not 1k exp * Expect the following soon: Bank robbery, insurance, and more * You can now change username on the forum / view username history. Credits to @Admin for the forum changes
  12. nibble

    Update Update log - 2/2/17 - Minor

    * /pay now works in jail * slight performance improvement * voting fix * shops now display items above it * slimefun version update
  13. nibble

    Update Auction - Update log - 1/30/17

    /auc You are able to actually "auction" items using this feature. If you have items you'd want to take bid on instead of selling it at a specific price, this is what you want to use. Update log + Auction * Spawners from sf (broken/reinforced) work now * Replaced vote link # 3 + hats
  14. nibble

    IMPORTANT Plot/Property Rules

    You must comply with the following plot/property rules or your plot/property may be taken at anytime after a warning. These rules do not apply to personal islands. Exterior - At least have some sort of a shape, try not to make it look like a plain square, circle, or whatever it is. Surrounding...
  15. nibble

    Doctor Guide

    Introduction Players can get infected by diseases on McCities which gives various buffs or debuffs. Commands All Players: - /disease check - Shows your health information - /disease immunity - Shows your immunity from contracting diseases - /temp - Shows your body temperature and the ambient...
  16. nibble

    Court Guidelines

    Note that this is a procedure to attempt to retrieve whatever you've lost. If the "scammer" does not have anything to pay back the losses, then nothing can be done. With that being said, you should always deal with caution. Judge's ruling is absolute. You cannot deny to comply with the ruling...
  17. nibble

    Bug report / Lost item format

    Username: What you were doing before this occurred: What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: Location: If it's a major bug, start up a conversation with me instead
  18. nibble

    Court Case format

    Follow the correct format as listed below or your court case will automatically be denied. 1. Who are you accusing? 2. What are your claims/accusations? 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? ***Please make sure to tag the person you are accusing with @(their name) for question 1. ***
  19. nibble

    Expo Mansion

    Expo Mansion Starting bid - 1 mil Auto win - 3 mil /warp auction in-game to view the house
  20. nibble

    Expo Resorts

    Expo Resorts Starting bid - 2 million Current bid - 6.5 million by PyroHD The auction will end on 3/13/16, Sunday ONLY accepting player bids (including arch / police)