Search results

  1. Powerfull

    City -> Arch plot

    Username: Powerfull City plot: mansion3 Creative plot: Delicatebean's 3rd plot (anywhere u see space, thanks!) Also, would u mind //cut ing a basement down to bedrock? Thanks :D @DelicateBean pls confirm, tyy Thanks Joey/leanne!
  2. Powerfull

    orplot-2 transfer :p

    Name: Powerfull City plot: orplot-2 Creative plot: 3 Description: its a quartz build on the left side of my plot, NOT the one in the close left corner, its the one behind the build I originally wanted to transfer there Thanks Leanne/Joey CP
  3. Powerfull

    orplot-2 transfer

    Username: powerfull Creative plot: 3 City plot you want the build moved to: orplot-2 Description of build: its a small, wood build, along the left side of my plot, right up against the wall. Its got a basement and 1 story! Thanks leanne/joey ;p CP
  4. Powerfull


    ok so I got on to forums this morning to come and check out what’s been going on... @laggynab you are the best man in the world :p What and how did you take this much time to like spam me this much... omg xD Tysm <3
  5. Powerfull

    OMEGA Hiring Today!

    We are hiring suppliers for omega again! If you want to come check out our shop, tpa to lava or I in game, or ./warp mcdonalds on your right! Make sure to follow the format when applying and good luck! Omega Supplier (3-4 jobs available) 1) Job Description: You will be given access to the...
  6. Powerfull

    Selling 3 Diamond Mythic Swords!

    Hello- I am selling three mythic swords, they will be listed down below, please bid In game by msging or mailing me (Powerfull) with your offer, or private convo or reply here. Gl!!! Number 1: Sharp-Sword Fire prof 2 Blast prof 4 Sharp 3 Bane of Arthropods 5 Knockback 2 I breaking 3 Power 3...
  7. Powerfull

    Inv Gone

    Username: powerfull What you were doing before this occurred: going to purpleturkeys’ arch plot to work on captain What you've lost (Only if you lost something): My inv was gone in survival and replaced with my arch inv (it happened at 11:52 am est) @nibble if you can give me back my inv pls...
  8. Powerfull


    Well, this is a great clickbait title to get support on this idea lol, but I was on hypixel yesterday and this idea popped into mind of having ‘parties’ or whatever terminology you want to call it, and you could invite people to the party and such, but overall it would be a way to chat with...
  9. Powerfull

    Sky16 transfer request

    Username: LavaFlake and Powerfull Creative plot: LordChaos88's 4th creative plot Where u want it transferred: Lava's plot, sky16 Its a large quartz and clay and black/gray glass build, tysm for reading this :D if u need chaos to approve she can (@LordChaos88) But she approved it on the other...
  10. Powerfull


    LMAO OFFICIALLY HAS A NEW MEANING!!!! @EnderPoop L- Love M- My A- Awesome O- Oreos Lmao love it, comment other new acronyms to spam up this post xD
  11. Powerfull

    Buying An arch's time xD

    Lol love my clickbait title. Anyways, I need an arch for a 51 x 27 house, to go on go100 right behind the farm. Please make a convo with me if you can take up this project :D Tysm! Pay would be about 30-50k I think, thanks! CP42/Powerfull
  12. Powerfull

    Updated OMEGA Supplier Application :D

    Hello all! Just in time for the holidays, OMEGA should be opening soon! We are open to hiring another 3 to 4 Suppliers for OMEGA! Please read on below to see what this entitles and how to apply: Omega Supplier (3-4 jobs available) 1) Job Description: You will be given access to the private...
  13. Powerfull

    Accepted Powerfull Teacher Application!

    1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)? My username is Powerfull 2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft) 1. Negotiation (so how to best negotiate for a plot), or 2. Enchantment types (like what does smite do versus sharpness) 3...
  14. Powerfull

    Denied Powerfull re-applying :P

    Your current in game name: Powerfull Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes I do! Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot...
  15. Powerfull

    Denied Powerfull

    Teacher Application Format 1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)? My username is Powerfull 2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft) If any of these aren’t available tell me :D Also, I am flexible, if you want I can teach...
  16. Powerfull

    Bludsky-1 transfer

    Hi all :D Name: Powerfull Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot: bludsky-1 Thanks!!! CP42/Powerfull
  17. Powerfull

    End Inv Glitch with Dolphin Dive!

    Username: Powerfull What you were doing before this occurred: I was grinding in the end for ender pearls for omega, LavaFlake and my company. Then, I was looking in my inventory to bridge with blocks or get enderpearls to epearl to the 'island' ahead of me. I was standing on the edge, and when...
  18. Powerfull

    Denied Transfer request go100

    Hello staff! Name: Powerfull Creative plot: /plot home 4, my arch plot Plot you want build moved to: go100 Description of build: It is brick with quartz and stone brick slabs. It is the only house like this design on my plot, and it is large, with basements down to bedrock (Pls transfer the...
  19. Powerfull

    OMEGA Announcement!

    Hello all McCities players! Welcome to the official opening post of OMEGA, McCities finest company. To clairfy this new company, CP42 had made a company and SpookyEve was the CEO. Now that company is in SpookyEve's hands and is called Spooky Inc. The new company started here is a completely...
  20. Powerfull

    New police command, /police breakin

    Sooo... While some would say this is a biased suggestion, I would like to explain. While I was on earlier, I was at @Marshmallowsmalk 's house against her, EnderPort, and OofPapi. They had set up locked door traps and slots in the wall to trap and kill us as we tried to jail them. My suggestion...