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  1. Izzie

    Too many heads bought.

    Username: _IzzieLuna What you were doing before this occurred: In shop, buying heads. I bought one and it charged me for a stack when i only wanted one. It was a canada flag head. What you've lost (Only if you lost something); Not really, but I lost money if that counts.
  2. Izzie

    Izzie's Photo Album

    Inspired by laggy, I am going to post some pictures I like and create an album! fvhn and I wearing flower crowns My First ever plane ride (with spookyeve) SpookyEve and me riding a car at halloween Me and MD_Brothers pretending to be spiderman and the hulk Ella getting mad at Omar for riding...
  3. Izzie

    Suing Nikkadda

    1. I am suing player Nikkadda, formerly known as 342niki. 2. I am accusing her of refusing to pay me for building her a house. She offered me 20k to build a house on her creative plot for her to roleplay on, I built her a house which took about 2 hours to complete. Then when I had done, I told...
  4. Izzie

    New hats!

    Here's a picture of me and fvhn modeling the new flower crown hats! So excited!
  5. Izzie

    New announcement about /warp theater

    Hello, some people may know that for the past week little performances have been going on at /warp theater. I am very excited to tell everyone that there is now a theater group! This group will perform every week at the theater. And YOU can join! Here's how to join the group. Message me in game...
  6. Izzie

    More jobs?

    In real life, I really want to be a lawyer. It's probably my dream job (I realise that makes me sound a bit weird). I feel like we should make more jobs like a lawyer available to players other than staff. More jobs like this could be like a judge or attorney. Players who are being sued or...
  7. Izzie

    Gun resource pack glitch

    I used a repair token and it turned all my new weapons (machete, katana and lightsaber) into their original form. I dont have any screenshots unfortunately.
  8. Izzie

    Lumberaxe stopped working

    Username: _Izzie What you were doing before this occurred: I went to my home I set in the wild to chop some trees, when I tried to chop a tree the lumberaxe worked like a normal axe.
  9. Izzie

    Fish day

    As today (21st December) was fish day, I came up with an idea. How about, every so often the server has some cool events that everyone can take part in. It could celebrate anything (except players) and players could come up with their own day and we can all celebrate it. It would be a cool thing...