Search results

  1. Izzie

    Denied Amazonians Teacher App

    What is your rank on the server? I am currently citizen as my moneys in bank :D What is your /ar check time? 44 days and 2 hours How often can you play on the server? I play every day at the moment, it depends on the day but quite a few hours. Why do you want to become a teacher? I have been...
  2. Izzie

    Giraffe News Logo Competition

    2 posts in one day wow))) For our paper websites and posts we would like a new logo. This logo must have our name on it! That is the only theme!!! Pretty simple eh?? 1st place: Logo used 20k reward money In game tour of our hq A feature in the paper in any section of your choice! 2nd...
  3. Izzie

    Open space for Giraffe News team!

    We are currently looking for a player to cover our 'Interesting News' article in our paper, The Giraffe News. Due to our current reporter, SilverNinja_, leaving for 3 months it felt necessary to recruit a new member as most of us are busy with our own articles and work! If you'd like to take...
  4. Izzie

    The Giraffe News

    Official post for The Giraffe News! All info, right here! FAQ: Can I be hired?: Sorry, but we are not accepting at the moment! Can I be in the paper: Yes! If you'd like to be interviewed, have facts about you, or your advert in the paper please mail @Amazonians or @FroztyStars or @ttyltammy...
  5. Izzie

    London trip!

    This week I went to London with my school, I decided to show what I did each day! Monday: Monday we just worked at school doing some activities to do with London! Tuesday: We woke up at 4:30 and got to school by 5:45. Then we went on a 5-6 hour coach journey to London. As soon as we arrived...
  6. Izzie

    The Giraffe News Applications!

    Good luck to all applying! > Giraffe News is a newspaper company on our server. We do interviews, facts, advertisements and more! Currently one of the popular newspapers on the...
  7. Izzie

    My experience as staff.

    After Eunmins leaving post, I was inspired to put out there what being staff was like for me. Hopefully people wishing to be staff could get an (inside??) view on it. [This is all my opinion. I am not saying that all staff are like this, and every staff member is the same. This is all my...
  8. Izzie

    A question.

    A long time ago, before I played this server, I did a 'social experiment' on an old server I used to play. While I played and chatted with the other people on there, I acted and spoke like the players on there. By this, I mean I copied the way they type from what I had seen on that server. They...
  9. Izzie

    My favourite musical theater quotes

    1. "There's a million things I haven't done, just you wait"-Hamilton 2."A dream needs believing to taste like to real thing, like some stranger you recognize, so pure, so electric, so sure, so connected"-Waitress 3."Why don't you feel alright for the rest of your life?"-Falsettos 4."Let the...
  10. Izzie

    The weirdest screenshots I have

    Tons of weird An explanation: 1. A whole bunch of people sitting in Kiris house under city lol 2. Me and Kate floating 3. A gucci flamingo and me 4. A bunny trying to row away from me 5. Me and a penguin throwing up at a party 6. I tried to sell a house but I gave up and sat down with...
  11. Izzie

    McCities School Dance!

    This is just an announcement that we will be having a school dance very soon, I will post a date when we sort one out. The ideas and plans for this dance are from MissFrosty, we had decoration help from Heather and we hope to see you all at the dance! We thank Heather and MissFrosty (and her...
  12. Izzie

    Happy birthday Eve!!

    Happy birthday SpookyEve! Hope you have a great day and enjoy the gifts i got you (some are still being delivered whoops)
  13. Izzie

    School FAQ

    I get asked lots of questions about school, so here i will answer as many as I can. Feel free to leave a question in the comments if you have any!~ How do I get enrolled? To get enrolled, you must come to school when I announce in chat and line up or ask me! What teachers and subjects do I...
  14. Izzie

    Some pictures with friends :P

    Enjoy ;D
  15. Izzie

    For SpookyEve :D

    Some people may know that Eve is my best friend in real life, this is just an appreciation post for her because she is always there to help me and is extremely funny and kind. I will always laugh when Im with Eve and thats one of the reasons I enjoy having her as a friend. Here are some (old)...
  16. Izzie

    Happy Easter!

    I hope you all have a great Easter and get lots of chocolate ;P
  17. Izzie

    For jaypi0 and Arcadexe

    (Im not sure if Arcadexe is your actual username whoops)
  18. Izzie

    Hello :D

    for those who don't know me, my names izzie. I've played the server since about last October and have loved it ever since. I am currently an architect and t-mod. My hobbies include reading and listening to music. I also love to build houses! Thanks for reading!
  19. Izzie

    Happy Pancake Day!

    We hope everybody has a great pancake day and gets to eat lots of pancakes! -Izzie, Willow and Kate!
  20. Izzie

    Suing I_Am_Anarky

    1. Who are you accusing? I_Am_Anarky 2. What are your claims/accusations? They came onto my plot because I was throwing a party, I have multiple signs around the chest with booze in saying to take one only and to return bottles. I_Am_Anarky took every single bottle and then refused to give them...