Search results

  1. Death

    Undeadland, Ender Island, KremesVille, Amber Island, Austrum Island, Jbroad island and Bob island

    Total Reported Plots: Estimated 85 Format: Island Region Owner reason Undeadland: whiterock-1 Prismesque broken holes in the wall underdasea-2 clcrewse not fitting city standards underdasea-5 RipRipPotatoChip Too Tall for majority of island plots beachapartments CisscoRamon Empty Plot for...
  2. Death

    Resolved More Broken Sf Machines

    Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this occurred: looking at the repaired sf machines What you've lost (Only if you lost something): 1 carbondao edged capacitator, 4 electric ore grinder II, 4 Electric Ore Grinder level 1. So leanne fixed my machines but I had 1 broken carbonado edged...
  3. Death

    Angry Staff 2018

    The new game Angry Bird *cough* staff *cough*. Xd stan dont hate me, i ran out of space in the picture, psst stan you could be the dragon. Here you goooo down here
  4. Death

    Another One.......

    k so if any of you know turf wars, yeah please dont mention the server of where that is but I made a wallpaper from it with: @LeanneTheUnicorn @DarkMagicinY @Graphic_elf @Hidden124 @NinjaGaming23 @Sebastiaan072 @sebastianko99 @CP42 @ItzJazzMade @Marie @DelicateBean @BriahBabe @Turkey...
  5. Death

    I made this for staff cus I was bored

    thanks for always making the server nice and managing it and try to give us the best time we can have on McCities. Here I made a photo:
  6. Death

    Resolved Lost several sf machines

    Username: Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this occurred: well it happened at several different times but I decided to report it all at once. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): 1 energy regulator, 1 Carbonado Edged Capacitator, 10 input nodes, 3 auto enchanters, 1 coal...
  7. Death

    Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 City plot: h123 with my alt coldfyre Creative plot: koekie_w (/plot home 1) The modern home with a sign infront saying h123 I will pay for the transfer thanks
  8. Death


    Death_Inferno360 City plot: h123 its with my alt account rn (coldfyre) Creative: /plot home 3 and is the beach house x:689 y:82 z: -2040
  9. Death

    Case Closed Court Case on DelicateBean, Tricoh and Synnamoon/Toryn

    I am accusing DelicateBean, Tricoh and Synnamoon or also known as Toryn. Toryn sold a unregioned castle on my island, the castle is made by QueenMelone and is right beside the plot beach-city. I allowed the build to be transfer there with one condition and that its not getting regioned. The last...
  10. Death

    Selling Diamond Exotic and Legendary Gear and Scrolls

    I am selling some mythic gear, high unbreaking armor, up to protection 6 and weapons such as Diamond Axes and Diamond Swords with up to 5-6 slots or lower, and some with sharpness 6 as well, some combined. We also sell any tier 3 scrolls, I will send the list of the items/ quantity of how much...
  11. Death

    Completed Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 city plot: runh014 /plot home 3 , its a 12x12 modern house for fpsjoel, it will be transferred on to his plot He will pay for the transfer
  12. Death

    Case Closed Suing xIPrOLaS_

    1. Who are you accusing? xIPrOLaS_ 2. What are your claims/accusations? Scamming me for a legendary pickaxe 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? I have screenies. I paid him 15k then he did not give me anything at all, I checked my inventory, none. It happened in /spawn. I want my 15k...
  13. Death

    Coal Generator and Auto Enchanters broken

    Username: Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this occurred: I tpd to bfactory4 What you've lost (Only if you lost something): 2 coal generators and 4 auto enchanters. They are located on the second floor of bfactory4. In the circuit that has 4 auto enchanters and 2 coal generators...
  14. Death

    Denied Transfer

    Username: Death_Inferno360 Creative plot: /plot home 2 City plot you want the build moved to: amh20 The plot is the quartz one that has a small pool, the plot goes all the way till bedrock so make sure to transfer everything tysm!
  15. Death


    So recently I heard that bank insurance has come back, I presume in a few days or weeks the bank robbery might just come back. I would just like to warn everyone to place an insurance on your money because if they ever added this back multi million dollars will be stolen and I mean more than...
  16. Death

    Completed Death's Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 City plot: h609 Creative plot: /plot home 2 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 2 Brief description its the cyan clayes house with Stone Bricks and quartz. It has 2 floors above ground a rooftop, and basements are listed in order Sf room Giant chest room with 312 double chests and...
  17. Death

    Lost Halloween Items in Sudden Server Shutdown

    Username: Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this occurred: I was in the Halloween Even fighting a Tier 1 Undead Horse What you've lost (Only if you lost something): I lost a Halloween Hat 2017, 2 Halloween Candies and 50 rep So me Tricoh, OnePunchGrill, TheFun134 were in the...
  18. Death

    Public Letter

    Lately things have been going a bit wild on forums. This is not about Halloween but this is about the issue on the elections on Runnerboro. Me, Marie, Gabriel, Turkey and Tiger have so far made our campaign for the elections. I would just want to say this is going way too far. What I have seen...
  19. Death

    Running for Runnerboro

    So I am happy to anonounce that me and Marie or MarieWalrus, whatever you call her are running for Runnerboros new government. I will be running for City Manager and Marie will run for Mayor. What we can promise, as Marie is really good and fast at building, we will not be selling plain plots to...
  20. Death

    Goodbye Everyone

    I will be leaving the server. I had a lot of good friends here and its hard to see myself leave, I will truly miss everyone. All the times I had with anony, davi,fvhn,dwarf,froz,tiger,md,leanne,joey,toryn,wonder, dani,tricoh,Marie,bean,melone,pixel,Chloe, and all those i didn't mention the list...