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  1. Death

    Some Small Server Guide

    Logging On As I heard some reports being it potentially hard to log on, believe me I have been there constantly getting kicked for over 5 hours straight, Ive spammed the server a couple of times. I recently learned a trick to use that @Uni told me about, instead of double clicking or pressing...
  2. Death

    Another sort of arch world for island owners/islands

    I was thinking if us island owners could somehow get access to a world similar to arch world because most of us need our islands redone. I know you may think its temporary, but having they layout of the island while building new structures on it make it a lot easier. What I mean by this is that...
  3. Death

    Completed Unregion Request #2

    Death_Inferno360 Plot: bungalow-2 Location: Paradise_Island (nibble holds the island atm) @nibble if I could be allowed to unregion the plot
  4. Death

    Completed Unregion Request

    Death_Inferno360 Plot to unregion: underdasea-13 Location: Undeadland Plot to unregion: modernhome-5 Location: kremesville (Im manager of kremesville, if really needed you ask admiral desoto to confirm)
  5. Death

    Classic Small House Build

    What is your username? Death_Inferno360 What is the region name? h302 How large is the plot? Around 15x13 or so if im correct What type of build would you like (house, mansion, skyscraper, other)? House What style build (modern, traditional, Victorian, etc.)? Any, I just need a simple house on...
  6. Death

    Resolved Lost 15 million from my /bal

    UserName: Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this happened: I came home and went to check my bal What i lost: I use to have around 15.4mil ish now I got 400k ish left. Hope this gets fixed, im not completely sure if the 15mil was in my bank or bal but im pretty sure it was in my bal.
  7. Death

    Some Mining Contest Thingooo

    I will be holding a mining contest and set a reward of 350-500k dollars. Ill start of with how it works. So players will mine in /warp mine or anything really until the due date July 27, 2018 Friday, 9am Est or Eastern Standard Time, ill allow if your a bit late or a bit early dw im not super...
  8. Death

    The Mc - Money converter I think

    If 1k in cities is worth 1 dollar. Then most people have been earning at a rate of 10 bucks an hour.
  9. Death

    Faster Staff Service (Sorta)

    So basically some players have been complaining of like how things such as bug reports and trasnfer/region requests take a while, I understand them. And I think that at the most 1 week should be like the latest it should be responded to. I mean in fairness there are 2 staff who can do...
  10. Death

    Landlord change

    Death_Inferno360 Plot: sky240 Change landlord, to me all the apts in the building as well as the plot itselfs landlord
  11. Death

    Denied Transfer Request #2

    Death_Inferno360 City: bunnyears19 (for BlazeSkylar) Creative: /plot home Discusion 2 The creative plot is Mitch’s or Magic Terminator, but he allows me to build and transfer there since he has more space than I do. It’s the Dark gray ish one, it has 2 big whole glass windows, is across a...
  12. Death

    Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 City: bh20 Creative: /plot home 2 It’s the 10x11 house Light gray color with black glass
  13. Death

    Glitch wont allow me to use any of my stuff

    Username: Death_Inferno360 What you were doing before this occurred: I was in wilds, hunting for mob spawners, when suddenly i saw a group of people and i was combat tagged but i couldnt fight back because some glitch didnt allow me to use my items. i was right click spamming my bandages and...
  14. Death

    Case Closed Suing AerysAegis

    1. Who are you accusing? AerysAegis SunsofSilence and xChemicalKittyx 2. What are your claims/accusations? They Scammed me of 1million dollars to return my stuff back. So I went to wilds in search of some mob spawners. So I saw this staircase leading down to a mineshaft so I decided to search...
  15. Death


    Death_Inferno360 City Plot: gorgetown-1 Creative Plot: /plot home Magic_Terminator 2 The dark gray house, the squarish one beside a light colored house. It has signs in front to indicate, its size. Please transfer the border with it, since the border is part of the plot in survival, the border...
  16. Death

    Player Toxicity (Friendly Reminder)

    So most of you know, even if McCities player base isn’t that big, there are a lot of toxic players on here. Ok so I see a lot of players are trying to help by telling them to be nice don’t curse etc... But recently, a player was being aggressive in chat, and multiple players called the person...
  17. Death

    Transfer #2

    Death_Inferno360 City plot: a55 Creative Plot: /plot home 3 The long house, darkish one. In one of the corners.
  18. Death


    Death_Inferno360 City Plot: department-3 Creative: /plot home Magic_Terminator 2 It’s the gray building, labeled. I won’t be regioning the apts, as it can’t so, just transfer the build. I want the front side facing the urbanhouse village. I’ll pay for transfer and he will confirm.
  19. Death

    Mythics Suggestion

    Mythics can be easily gained through /scroll. I want to suggest to give player with citizen+ to only be able to get legendaries and exotic, and tier 4 scrolls through /scroll. And resident and below because, it’s so easy to go on alts turn on a vpn, and vote, get xp and /scroll. And newbies are...
  20. Death

    Buying Buying a Mansion

    I’m buying a mansion, or willing to trade several plots for one, my budget is 2mil+, and if ever I’ll trade some extra plots if needed.