Search results

  1. Death

    Resolved Cheap Plot

    Death_Inferno360 Plot: h350 I got it for zero dollars, I haven't used the plot yet, could I possibly keep the plot, I would want a price so that I can pay for it.
  2. Death

    Denied Death's Arch App

    Questions: Your current in game name: Death_Inferno360 Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes I will send my Skype to you in /mail or /msg if I get accepted Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you...
  3. Death

    Cheap plot

    Death_Inferno360 I was waiting for autosale I didnt lose anything I got the plot (plot4) for 0$ In autosale, I wanna keep the plot and I gave it to my friend KBlade so hes holding it right now and I didnt make any profit out of it. How much do i need to pay for the house to keep it? Ill pay...
  4. Death

    Who is the prettiest/cutest girl on the server?

    Who is the prettiest or cutest girl on the server, comment her name down below.
  5. Death

    Completed Plot Transfer

    Death_Inferno360 CityPlot: Urbanamber-4 Creative Plot: /plot home 4 the cyan clay one, it has floors all the way down so pls transfer the whole thing from top to bottom. Also make sure to transfer the walls surrounding it. Thanks The plot borders in urbanamber-4 are part of the region
  6. Death

    Completed Creative Plot

    Death_Inferno360 Creative plot: /plot home 4, the 2 empty plots i made, I want them both destroyed until the (y:5) so basically the plot should be empty until (y:5). It requires world edit and taking it out manually will be too much time and a lot of time will be wasted tysm!
  7. Death

    Denied Plot Transfer

    Death_Inferno360 CityPlot: Urbanamber-4 Creative Plot: /plot home 4 the cyan clay one, it has floors all the way down so pls transfer the whole thing from top to bottom. Also make sure to transfer the walls surrounding it. Thanks
  8. Death


    Ok first of you may he asking what is autosale. Autoselling occurs when you have not been active for 60 days or more anf your plots will go for autosale the next restart. Restarts usually happen at 11Pm New York City Time, calculate your time from there. Netherlands would be around 6pm and also...
  9. Death

    Completed Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 CityPlot: andeplot-1 Creative Plot: /Plot Home 4 its the white looking mini manor
  10. Death

    Give Players World Edit in Creative

    I recently found that archs can use world edit in arch world, I was wondering if it players could too as I find it really hard to like make an underground with breaking it or without calling for staff. It would be very helpful in building.
  11. Death

    Selling MarshVille2

    So I made a new village after last release. The current name is marshville2, the plot hasent been regioned yet so if u plan to buy contact me and I can change the name to whatever you would like. It was made by me and IanW2712, I made the main frame design and he helped me continue it onto the...
  12. Death

    Completed Transfer Request

    Death_Inferno360 City Plot: eisland, location is I made a plot right in front of lava-mansion, and is also right beside e01, sorry I didnt get the coords. The plot fits exactly for the village I made. Creative Plot: my /plot home 4 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 4. Its the village one with 6...
  13. Death

    Completed Fix a Plot

    Death_Inferno360 Plot:Lava-Mansion, I sold this to him (LavaFlake) What I want is to extend the region 3 blocks to the left. From where you are standing at the sign, move it 3 blocks to the left because the plot is 53x61 atm, and his build is 56x61, I made a mistake in the refion size. EnderPort...
  14. Death

    Resolved Cant build on plots

    Death_Inferno360 Some of my friends plots such as Marshville-brown Marshville-clay Marshville-yellow Marshville-green Marshville-blue I feel like they are broken the regions, I havent tested yet but, the 2 regions i sold had problems with it not allowing to build. Staff, could u possibly check...
  15. Death

    Selling MarshVille Houses

    Me, EnderPort and IanW2712 have made a village called MarshVille and is gonna be sold to @Marshmallowsmalk 2 houses has already been sold to two different owners, there are still 5 houses remaining. LightBlue-SOLD Blue-For Sale Brown- For Sale Cyan-SOLD Regular-For Sale Green- Reserved Yellow-...
  16. Death

    Completed Regioning

    Death_Inferno360 I want to region a plot in (eisland) in the coords x:447, z: -200, y61 I want the plot name to be Lava-Mansion
  17. Death

    Staff Team

    I remember when Keona last did this, the staff team changed so much. Good luck on your job gus, keep up the good work. Cheers to new beginnings!!!
  18. Death

    Important Anouncement Due to Recent Event

    I want you all to know in a recent event, there happens to be a glitch where if you use /ad, u will get pem banned by console. Nearly 20 or more players have been banned by this glitch. Some people such as officialZice is spreading it and people fall into it. I believe that it has also something...
  19. Death

    Protect PurpleTurkey

    so recently tons of people have been acting really mean to my friends and such as turkey, a lot of people have been targeting him. Its really sad on what the server has become. One guy called him horrible at building then someone sends him to court for buying a plot. It hurts my friends are...
  20. Death

    ~I'm Gonna Sing~

    So recently I have been singing, I think I sang everything badly but idk. I plan to sing every weekend, I'm improving slowly but please don't tell me to do Despacito, I can't do Spanish. I will be singing on discord like maybe 4-5am for New York Time and maybe 10-11am for those in Paris...