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  1. Neilio_Xtreme

    Transfer from Creative

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme Creative plot: [-34;-36] or my plot home 1 City plot you want the build moved to: a127 The build is bordered in orange wool. The side closest to the road in creative should be placed closest to the road/GO Mall side in survival. Thank you!
  2. Neilio_Xtreme

    About Apartments and Regioning

    As long as a building isn't in the city, would it be possible to have apartments regioned not for rent, but for sale? Is the process any different than any other regioning request? Curious at this point, but I'll be making a building soon if this is still an option. @Izzie @LeanneTheUnicorn Thx!
  3. Neilio_Xtreme

    Transfer from Creative

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme Creative plot: (-34;-36) or my /plot home 1, whichever works easier for ya. City plot you want the build moved to: a129 The build to be transferred is bordered in pink wool. It's the build made of sandstone, with diorite accents. There are basement levels, which go down...
  4. Neilio_Xtreme

    Region Request

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme City plot: a126 and a127 I'd like for these plots to be merged into one single plot, if that can be done. If that is not an option, could the stone slabs running between the two plots be removed and have the plot boundaries touch each other, like a125-a123, to allow...
  5. Neilio_Xtreme

    Case Closed Home Invasion pt. 2

    1. Who are you accusing? @InfernoW1nd 2. What are your claims/accusations? He broke and entered, and refused to leave when I asked him. He keeps harassing me about getting my head, which I do not consent to giving him. He only left when Sebastiaan072 came. I have reason to believe that, like...
  6. Neilio_Xtreme

    Thoughts on Androids

    Basically I've recently started using them and they are immensely helpful. When they have fuel to run, that is! My question is: What is your preferred type of fuel for androids? I personally use blocks of coal, because of how long they run and since I have a decently consistent supplier of coal...
  7. Neilio_Xtreme

    Case Closed Trespassing, Robbery, and General Harassment

    1. Who are you accusing? @InfernoW1nd 2. What are your claims/accusations? He, TorchoTiohy, came onto my plot, into my workshop without asking first. He then refused to leave after I requested, proceeding to steal from slimefun machines and chests, while also messing with my cargo network...
  8. Neilio_Xtreme

    Buying Nether Stars

    Message me, looking to buy in bulk if possible. Yes, I know Diamond was the one to go to, now someone else needs to step up lol
  9. Neilio_Xtreme

    Buying Circuit Boards

    Basic or advanced. Prefer basic. Msg me here or in game with offers
  10. Neilio_Xtreme

    School Mechanic

    I have to plead ignorance on how the school actually works, but in my time on the server I haven't felt any inclination to use the school or to become a teacher besides pure roleplay purposes. Hence, my suggestion to increase the actual use of the school and the value of the teacher job: Allow...
  11. Neilio_Xtreme

    Question Regarding Past Request

    @Izzie The previous request was: Username: Neilio_Xtreme Creative plot: -30;3 City plot you want the build moved to: h137 I'd like to put this build there, or at least the contents of the rooms. The structure itself could change. My question is: What are the plot standards at h137 and how...
  12. Neilio_Xtreme

    Denied Creative Transfer Request

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme Creative plot: -30;3. It's the build within the purpur slabs. City plot you want the build moved to: h137