Search results

  1. Neilio_Xtreme

    Resolved SF Stuff

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme What you were doing before this occurred: The usual What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: 3 connector nodes, 11 miner androids, 29 cargo inputs Location: They're in a chest on the first floor of sky22, coords are 640, 72, 244 Ty @LeanneTheUnicorn
  2. Neilio_Xtreme

    Reporting a126

    Region name: a126 Owner of the region: USC_Fan Unfinished build, doesn't fit with the sandstone/quartz aesthetic of the area.
  3. Neilio_Xtreme

    Apologies to Those I hire

    Currently I'm banned for the use of too many androids. Unfortunately that may mean I get eco-wiped, but I'm currently waiting to see the extent of it. If you're an active employee of LogiCorp or a supplier of items like netherwart or ender pearls, I promise you will have employment when I get...
  4. Neilio_Xtreme

    Mechanical Issues with Slimefun

    The main issue is with dust washers, both the basic machine but more importantly with electric ones. I don't know if it's a patch with Slimefun itself, a result of new Minecraft patches or a specific change, but when a machine's inventory is full no more dust will be produced, even if there is...
  5. Neilio_Xtreme

    Selling Starting an auction for A65 (24x56)

    I'm putting a65 up for auction. It's a 24x56 apartment building, with 89 regioned apartments, a few of them are bottom level shop spaces. In the middle of a good area with other fancy tall buildings, the hotel-looking one being one of them. Starting the bid off @ 600k. Insta-buy is set at 1.5m...
  6. Neilio_Xtreme

    Case Closed New Mall Problems

    1. Who are you accusing? Whoever decided to implement the nmall 2. What are your claims/accusations? Replacing the old /warp mall has cost me money, without proper warning 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? I paid 20k to get a first floor mall stall, which has been invaluable for...
  7. Neilio_Xtreme

    Buying Ender Pearls!

    Looking for suppliers for ender pearls! Msg me to set up an arrangement. Price is 1k for 16 pearls. I'll either get a sell shop working or set someone else's shop on a private plot so we can do business whenever.
  8. Neilio_Xtreme

    Landlord Change

    Landlord Change from plots a122 a65 to Neilio_Xtreme Thank you!
  9. Neilio_Xtreme

    Chorus Fruit Disable

    The Chrous Fruit, from the End, should probably be disabled. It doesn't serve much of a function and the random teleport effect after consuming one can be used to break into buildings/houses. It would probably be wise to disable to item itself or prevent players from being able to eat/use it.
  10. Neilio_Xtreme

    Buying A Small/Medium Island

    Looking at purchasing a small to medium sized island, potentially with some additional investors. If anyone's got one they'd like to sell, let me know and let's talk details :D
  11. Neilio_Xtreme

    Case Closed Another Break-in

    1. Who are you accusing? AqqL aka Afrowey @Sk8inq 2. What are your claims/accusations? He used the /home that he never deleted from inside my plot a129 to steal the bugged slimefun machines that I had laid out for @LeanneTheUnicorn . He took all the ore grinders, of both levels, the cargo...
  12. Neilio_Xtreme

    Plot Report Plot14

    Rg name: Plot14 Owner: Knight3000 Just chests all over
  13. Neilio_Xtreme

    Buying Nether Wart Suppliers needed!

    Looking for nether wart by the stack. I've got a shop set up at mall-5, left of the elevators at warp mall. 400 a stack, twice as much as /warp shop. However if you can supply a lot consistently, we could possibly work out a deal.
  14. Neilio_Xtreme

    The Grand Lottery!

    Intoducing MCCities only running lottery system! The program is sponsored by the Government of Runnerboro. Tickets can be purchased through Neilio_Xtreme for 1k each, multiple purchases are allowed. Contact via /m, /mail or through forums to set up purchase. The grand winnings at its lowest...
  15. Neilio_Xtreme

    Case Closed Grand Theft... Coal?

    1. Who are you accusing? @Sk8inq (Username Afrowey aka Aqql) 2. What are your claims/accusations? After wrongfully being in my plot, Afrowey has stolen: 930 Compressed Carbons And a grand total of 7662 coal blocks 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? See images. @CreeperCJG was the...
  16. Neilio_Xtreme

    Slimefun Machines bugged out

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme What you were doing before this occurred: Enjoying working machines lol What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: 7 Programmable Androids (Miner) 40 Electric Ore Grinders 12 Electric Ore Grinders (II) 68 Cargo Input Nodes(16 in Android Room, 52 in...
  17. Neilio_Xtreme

    Trespassing by Glitch

    1. Who are you accusing? @Sk8inq (username Afrowey) 2. What are your claims/accusations? Afrowey glitched into my deepest basement. There isn't any other way to get in here and the private doors were and have been closed the entire time. 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? The plot is...
  18. Neilio_Xtreme

    The Sun is Blocked!

    Problem: I have an energized solar generator on the plot a129, however it won't work day or night. I can put down the generator on other plots near there (a127 and a126) and it will work just fine. I have a suspicion this is due to the building having been transferred from creative? I would...
  19. Neilio_Xtreme

    A Solution to the Real Estate Problem

    For months I've been hearing about how prices for plots keep getting inflated. I too have seen it, a plot starting at a reasonable price get bought and resold over and over until it's selling for way more than it should be. If the problem was limited to a few plots the solution would be simple...
  20. Neilio_Xtreme

    Transfer from Creative

    Username: Neilio_Xtreme Creative plot: (-34;-36) or my plot home 1 City plot you want the build moved to: a127 The build is bordered in white wool. The entrance nearest the road in creative should be nearest the road in the city. Thank you!