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  1. Marshmallowsmalk

    Completed Plot transferring

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk Creative plot: 32;-2 or /plot tp2 City plot you want the build moved to: h365 This includes a basement and all information should be infront of the builds as I have them all labelled..
  2. Marshmallowsmalk


    bai I haz skool I no play very much Bai bai againz But seriously, school is starting again and it's exam year for me ( I cri ;-; ) Sooo I'm not going to play as often as I have a so called "social life" that I have ignored all summer and "studying" ;-; I may play during the mornings but...
  3. Marshmallowsmalk

    Creative bug glitch along with /duty

    Username : Marshmallowsmalk What happened before this occurred : So I just rejoined the game this afternoon, and I noticed my creative inventory had changed (Again). I saw it was with the things I had in my inventory in the survival world and so I quickly went back to the survival world to...
  4. Marshmallowsmalk

    *Life Changer Poll right Here*

    Alrighty let's get into it: Milk before cereal Orr Cereal before milk? This will destroy friendships based on lies and the utter weirdness of people.
  5. Marshmallowsmalk

    *Important Poll*

    Okay so this is just to see who the weirdos are and who I should trust overall... Who the hell even uses water, it's nastyyy- erm sorry?
  6. Marshmallowsmalk

    Um Creative bug thingy?

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk What you were doing before this occurred: I had just logged back on after a half hour break or so and I was in creative building before the break. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): All my items that were in my inventory in the survival world, appeared in...
  7. Marshmallowsmalk

    Just a few questions....

    Okay first off: What type of school is the one on the server? And another: Can you make other fast food restaurants in game? Lastly: Is it possible for you to add marshmallows so I can become a cannibal? Ps. Make roasted ones too...
  8. Marshmallowsmalk

    /duty Glitching

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk What you were doing before this occurred: This was before the server restart, and when I logged back on and did /duty to get off, it just gave me the same police items (Just kinda refreshed in my inven) What you've lost (Only if you lost something): I lost a jet pack...
  9. Marshmallowsmalk

    Generally banned form my account

    So my brother has taken the laptop and won't I've it back, sad I know, therefore allowing him to mess on the server. If he does anything stupid or anything, just tell me on forums and I'll be back on the server when I say the words "Waffle bob" on the server chat
  10. Marshmallowsmalk

    Oke so Chest shops now

    Okay so, just wondering, if you had a chest shop and you were buying things, does it only take away the money you have in your Balance or does it take away from your bank if you have no more money? (This isn't too logical, but just making sure guys, don't give me that look)
  11. Marshmallowsmalk

    Banned Playersssss

    So, just curious, if a player is banned, are their properties resold in the forsale section? Just wondering seeing as people are getting banned.....
  12. Marshmallowsmalk

    So hello?

    Greeting fellow "humans" ( I don't believe I can trust you're not a robot or whatever). I'm Marshmallowsmalk, the friendly neighbourhood marshmallow. I've realised I've been on ther server for about, I don't know, 3-4 months now. , and I've recently just joined the actual forums website and i...
  13. Marshmallowsmalk

    Apartment areas

    What areas are suitable for apartments? Is it only in sky, or does it have to meet any requirements?
  14. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bad Joke No.4

    Sorry, another one for today... So my brother threw a bottle of cream at me today... How dairy?
  15. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bad Joke No.3

    What did that one cell say to its sister when she stepped on his toe? Mitosis
  16. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bad joke No.2

    Omg, someone threw a can at a guy's head. But don't worry, it was only a soft drink.
  17. Marshmallowsmalk

    Unfairly priced plots

    If, say you were to exchange a house with another player, and you both agreed they were worth about the same price, would you be able to sell it to one another at a low price (such as 25k for a 300k plot)? I understand scamming is plausible but if it does not occur. Ps. Just asking for future...
  18. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bad joke No.1

    Did you hear about the Italian Chef that died? He 'pasta' way...
  19. Marshmallowsmalk

    Scammed 27k by bigfootIRL

    *This happened several days ago, although I couldn't post anything seeing as I couldn't navigate this website* 1. bigfootIRL 2. We had been talking about him selling me repair tokens for $100 at first, before he said he couldn't sell them all and could sell me 5 instead. He then said just the...