Search results

  1. JustDatGirl

    Beachside Hospital

    I spend A hour and a half creating this so if you want to work at a hospital then here it is! If you want to leave eventually to go to another hospital I can give u a recommendation form so that the other place...
  2. JustDatGirl

    Help Support the Homeless

    This is something new that me and rusty409 are starting. If you would like to help donate 250 to me or rusty and we will keep track of it and help the new people afford a place to stay for a while. As they have enough money at first it may be hard to keep on paying rent for a while. So our job...
  3. JustDatGirl


    Ign: JustDatGirl Rank: Citizen Husband: iiLax Ex-Wife: rusty409 Job: Doctor/Teacher/Police Rep: 205
  4. JustDatGirl

    Local News Paper Application

    Piggy_Oink_1123 and I are making a Local News Paper it will be in /ah for $50-$100 You can pay me (JustDatGirl) or Piggy_Oink_1123 to put your advertisement in the paper. It will also be in /ad every now and then we will be hiring Printers, Writers, Advertisers, and Suppliers. Writers - Writers...
  5. JustDatGirl

    Cheesecake Factory Application!

    Me (JustDatGirl) and Rusty409 are creating a Cheesecake Factory we are hiring Cheesecake Makers and waiters. Pays are different only because waiters can keep tips. You wont always get tips but still bit more. We make some other desserts like tiramisu and Pie. Please have 10 xp (gain 30 by...
  6. JustDatGirl

    Accepted My Teacher Application

    Im Citizen Rank, My /ar time is 3d 17h 30m, I play atleast 2 hours a day, I want to become a teacher to be a role model and to help people learn on mc cities, I want to teach gym, art and maybe a new topic like slime fun guide stuff. If a student wasnt behaving I would give 1-2 chances if it was...
  7. JustDatGirl

    H.E.L.P Clinics Applications

    As some of you know, Im creating a business H.E.L.P Clinics. I need Doctor+ for people to hire. To Apply Click the Link here and i Will let you know within a week. You can re-apply once a week:
  8. JustDatGirl

    Case Closed MustacheMufin Scammed me and Piggy Oink of 10k

    It says the file is to big but it shows her putting the book in ah, Telling us its a "Magic Guide" and me opening it to see its just a slime fun guide. The book clearly says its by her and i will take screenshots and put them here if i can: