lol atm im actually writing a thread about this.We've been pretty easy on cops before, and I've only started reporting about a month ago. These repeated mistakes happen everyday, multiple times, and since the demotion system, or whatever you call it, barely made changes or corrected their mistakes, there should be a new way for cops to learn from them. They are players, bit by signing up, they should promise themselves to hold a responsibility to do their duties, and to not abuse their powers, nor to take advantage of it. If we make mistakes, choices, calls that are unfair, they, or we, should learn from them, instead of ignoring all of these mistakes and continue with the false jails.
They had been forgiven for a very long time, until we started reporting because we realised the false jailing has been getting out of hand. I doubt you were on two days ago, so I don’t really know if you were present before the 10 hour purge. However, their mistakes are repeatedly committed during that time period, and by complementing on the false jails and telling them to be more careful etc, they took it as “abuse and harassment”, or you have mentioned, “unkind words”.
Since you're not a criminal, you might havent been aware of the current situation. I used to have the same thinking as you too. I thought cops are heroes, doing their duty, trying their best to jail criminals, and one officer personally defended me from hitmen on my first month here. Fortunately this officer has seldom, or never, in my experience, commited any false jails while playing by the rules. Our gang even looked up to him as a role model cop. Unfortunately, as pure experiences gathered from my friends and gangmates, only 2-4 of thesee officers meet these standards, with one of the chiefs going insane as well. They are not "annoying or bad" people, as you mentioned, but rather people who do not recognise their mistakes and are stubborn to change. This post is to strengthen maintainance on the cop team. If you are not part of this criminal gang I'd suggest you to stay out of this, before you get dragged in as well.
i know that this communities justice system has been messed up for as long as it has existed, but what im saying is, look at these cops, not as cops but as people. for a moment think about them as people, outside this game. i know you think i dont understand the situation considering my "10 hour purge" lmao but i dont need to know the situation to know that these are people with feelings. and at the end of the day, people are people. and they can be hurt by what we say about them, as much as what they did to you, hurt you. sometimes we get so caught up in the situation and we just need to step back and think, i know what it is like to be so frustrated with a situation, and choose to react in way which will only hurt the situation more. im not telling you that whatever they did was right, im telling you that there are people with feelings who are hurt, and i think we can all work to find a better solution to dealing with this.
also, i was a criminal