I’d like to bid $4m for the island, but am prepared to offer more if needed. I have pretty much the same plan as I had for AJLand. There will be no regioned properties, but anyone is free to explore the island at any time.
I will rebuild the entire island with
@Shadow_stalker77. There will be several separate tropical islands, kind of like an archipelago. On the largest island, there will be a modern, luxurious estate with tons of amenities - multiple pools, a marina with boats, a spa, places to hang out, and lots more. Off the shore of the sprawling sandy beaches, there will be stilted bungalows for friends to stay at (think
https://imgur.com/a/4gzsu). There will be tons of details, from lifeguard stands to surfboard rental shops, beach towels and umbrellas to patches of coral reef in the ocean. There’ll be a huge aquarium with tons of fake sea creatures and informational signs, and a wing of the aquarium will be located under the sea with a glass roof. There will be plenty of places to hang out with friends and enjoy the beautiful views wherever you look.
On a different island, there will be mountains and caves to explore. There will be more informational signs to guide you on hiking trips, cave explorations, and other fun adventures. This island will have rocky shores and cliffs and will have thrilling features, like a zip line (for roleplaying purposes), trampolines, paragliding with the /vehicle parachutes and/or SlimeFun parachutes, free boats, snorkeling with SlimeFun scuba gear, shipwrecks and more coral reefs to explore, and plenty of other fun things to do.
The third island will have a more laid-back atmosphere and will feature an extravagant spa, a sauna, hot tubs, more pools, and a tiki bar, among others. This will likely be a smaller island so the visitors can rest and enjoy their vacation privately.
The fourth island will pretty much be a wildlife refuge. There will be pretty gardens, streams, sandy beaches and rocky cliffs, animal habitats, informational signs, tons of plants, flowers, and trees, at least one waterfall, animals, and more.
I'm very excited for this private island. I've wanted one for the longest time and already have tons of plans floating around in my head. I'm an architect and specialize in modern, realistic builds, so this is right up my alley. For examples of terraforming, check out rapa-nui (Easter Island, Shadow and I built it). Thank you for considering my bid, it'd be the best thing that happened to me in 2018