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  1. Dwimmer

    McCities News Hunger Games Special!

    Our McCities News Hunger Games Special! Hope You Enjoy! Sorry For Bad Quality I'm Still Learning
  2. Dwimmer

    Arch Needed For Skyscraper Build

    What is your username? Dwimmer What is the region name? Sky22 How large is the plot? Around 35x40 (Not sure on the exact size) What type of build would you like (house, mansion, skyscraper, other)? Skyscraper What style build (modern, traditional, Victorian, etc.)? Modern Do you want the...
  3. Dwimmer

    McCities News Weekly Video Out!

  4. Dwimmer

    Fishing Shacks

    I might get some hate for this but I think there should be a rule that there can only be one fishing shack per person. They are cool to have but you seriously only need one, there is no purpose in having more and if people have more than one each, other people are missing out.
  5. Dwimmer

    Creative To Survival!

    Username: Dwimmer Creative plot: 37;-43 City plot you want the build moved to: bludsky-4 The Building I Would Like To Be Transferred Is At These Coords - 1768, 65, -2101
  6. Dwimmer

    Going Away For A Family Holiday

    My family are going on a holiday this week and I'm coming with em ofc lol so I will be back in exactly 1 week! Cya soon!
  7. Dwimmer

    McCities News #4 ! 4th Of July Special!

    4th Of July Special! :) Enjoy!
  8. Dwimmer

    Case Closed Courtcase Against cosmicWub For mmjjw, MonkeeSniper1 & elsaglo

    This Court Case Is For mmjjw, MonkeeSniper1 and elsaglo against cosmicWub 1. Who are you accusing? - cosmicwub - Unable to find forums account 2. What are your claims/accusations? cosmicWub robbed mmjjw, MonkeeSniper1 and elsaglo. cosmicWub also left a book in the apartment letting them...
  9. Dwimmer

    McCities News #3

    A Bit Behind Sorry! Will Be Caught Up Next Week :)
  10. Dwimmer

    School Trip

    Sooo... I have a school camp tomorrow. I'll be gone for 25 days so back on June 28th. There's no wifi or anything lol so I will have like 0 contact except for one day where we can go out of camp and hopefully I find some wifi lmao. But yeah anyway I'll miss you all so much and I'll cya later, Byee!
  11. Dwimmer

    McCities News #2

    Enjoy! ;)
  12. Dwimmer

    First McCities News Video! Out Now!

    Title Says It All! Our First Video Out Now! This Will Be A Weekly Thing. Sorry About The Low Quality We Will Improve Though As We Get Better :D Enjoy!
  13. Dwimmer

    Away For A Few Days

    Hey All! I'm going on a camp from Friday night to Sunday night so won't be online. I might be on a bit today before I leave but that's it. If I don't catch you before I leave, goodbye! <3
  14. Dwimmer

    1st McCities News Paper - Intro !

    Front Page Welcome, All To McCities 1st News Paper! I Dwimmer am proud to announce this will be a weekly occurrence and hopefully will improve over time! Throughout the paper will be all sorts of bits and info about what's been going on that week. Players will be able to contact me to request to...
  15. Dwimmer

    /Warp Library

    Make it so you can only access /library while in the /warp library building which is near shop. Just makes it a bit more realistic kinda like how to access /hdb u had to go to the head shop
  16. Dwimmer

    A Way To Help Out Archs

    How about, giving arch the //pos and //copy command in the city, that way they could do their own transfers to arch world which would enable them to do builds for citizens a lot faster without having to wait a week to get something transferred into arch world. :) Its really simple to do and...
  17. Dwimmer

    Court Case For JayParksBabyMama Against xDerpyAlly And little_redhead

    1. Who are you accusing? xDerpyAlly + little_redhead 2. What are your claims/accusations? Ally and redhead robbed jay and he would like his items back 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Images Below
  18. Dwimmer

    Lost Spooky Stick + Other Items

    Username: Dwimmer What you were doing before this occurred: I was in duty then @Atlair wanted to show me his mansion that he was building so i tped to him and it was in arch which caused my duty to get messed up and my normal inventory got glitched into arch world What you've lost (Only if you...
  19. Dwimmer

    Completed Creative To Survival

    Dwimmer Creative Plot - 37;-43 Survival Plot - Taka2-ap7 The building is the small apartment
  20. Dwimmer

    New Company Released !! Hasbro + McCities News !!

    Hello Everyone!! Today I Am Announcing The Release Of Hasbro And McCities News !! HASBRO So Here Is The Info Hasbro Is A Minigame / Event Company We Will Be Hosting Events And Minigames Daily With A Ton Of Prizes To Win Every Now And Then We Will Do A Paid Event Where You Pay A Small Fee And...