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  1. Dwimmer

    Completed Creative To Survial

    Dwimmer Creative Plot - 37;-43 Survival Plot - Taka2-ap7 The building is the small apartment
  2. Dwimmer

    Missing 1.5 Million

    Ok So Yesterday I Sold Go100 And H300 And So Altogether In My Bank I Had 1992000 I Then Payed xxM0nkeyxx 1.5 Mil (He can tell u this) And Then He Payed It Back Because I Hadnt Ment To Pay Him. Later On I Payed Him 350000 So I Should Have Around 1.5 Mil But I Got On This Morning And It Was Gone...
  3. Dwimmer

    Completed 2 Transfers Survival To Creative

    Username: Dwimmer Survival Plot taka2-ap7 Creative plot : -8:-39 Second Survival Plot : e8 Creative Plot : -8:-39
  4. Dwimmer

    Food Fight - Forum Game!!! :)

    So the first person posts a food and the next person has to post a food beginning with the last letter from the previous word! You may not post again until 3 other people have posted after your last post A food may not be repeated twice on the same page ;) e.g. Person 1 - Grapes Person 2 -...
  5. Dwimmer

    On Holidays

    Hai so i will be away on holidays for the next two weeks and a bit starting tomorrow ! I hope u all have a lovely time and i'll see you later !!
  6. Dwimmer

    -=+=- Thank You <3 -=+=-

    I have now spent just over six months here on the server and there are so many people i want to thank. Its been an awesome time and i have enjoyed it immensely. I cant wait to spend 2019 with all you guys too!! @IIAriusII - Lol when i was a newbie you always tolerated my naughty ways ahah even...
  7. Dwimmer

    Need Parkour And Race Track Builders!!

    Hi so I’m working on my company Hasbro which is all about mini games and I’m a little stuck with the parkour and pig race track. So if any of u are good at that stuff let me know I could use ur help ;) There might be pay or maybe not xD idk
  8. Dwimmer

    Introducing.. THE BACHELOR McCities 2018 !!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Of McCities Welcome` To 2018 Bachelor!! Are You Lonely? With No One To Love? Do You Feel Your Heart Is Missing That Flame Of Romance And Relationship? Well, Look NO Further!! We Bring To You The Bachelor Where We Help You Find That Missing Woman Our Main Figure Of...
  9. Dwimmer

    -=+=- Suggestion That Solves A Few Problems -=+=-

    Player Run Jobs Atm there are 3 main jobs run by staff - Police, Teacher And Architect. Staff do an amazing job at running these but sometimes they have to go inactive for multiple reasons. But I believe that if players could run some jobs that would be awesome. Now this has been brought up...
  10. Dwimmer

    New Acc

    So My Account, Freezetic Is Like SUPER buggy. When i log in and stuff things just dont work and yeah lol. So i bought a new account today and @sundae22 im wondering if i could get my balance/bank and plots transfered over to my new account ? :) Idc about jobs and i dont think u can do that...
  11. Dwimmer

    -=+=- Freezetic's Arch App!! -=+=- (Fake)

    1. What is your username? Freezetic 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Police 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes 4. What builds would you like to submit? The One In The Photo Below - It Is My Base In Hypixel And It Is So Amazing That @Smilinq...
  12. Dwimmer

    -=+=- Selling Massive Wonderfull House -=+=-

    So Smilinq Built A Wonderful House For Me, But Events Have Required Me To Sell It :D Its Really Big, About 27x53 ( I May Be Wrong But Its Very Close To That) Price is 800k At The Moment But Can Be Negotiated Includes 4 Lovely Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Massive Party Room, Massive Storage Area...
  13. Dwimmer

    Just Curious

    So i have seen a few people with this tag in the website and i'm just wondering what it means
  14. Dwimmer

    Completed Creative To Survival

    Freezetic Creative PLot: -41 -30 Survival Plot- vh-4 Its the long brick spruce one :D tysm
  15. Dwimmer

    We Are Doing This!!

    Look At This!! FOURTY FOUR Players Online!! We Have Not Had This Many In A Decent While We Can Do This Though!! We Can Bring The Server Back! If Everyone Cooperates And Works Together! :D
  16. Dwimmer

    Lets Keep This Going

    So today i got to help out two lovely new players, TopKektus And DirkChannel I hung out with them, and helped them with whatever they needed. Kektus also was selling black wool which we know is like not worth buying but i bought it just to keep his spirits up :D i spent money on carsfor them...
  17. Dwimmer

    Completed Creative To Survival

    Freezetic Creative Plot: -41 -30 (the tiny house) Survival Plot: H798 Thx
  18. Dwimmer

    Completed Creative to Smilinq's Arch Plot

    Username: Freezetic Creative plot: -41 -30 Arch plot you want the build moved to: Smilinq's Arch /plot home 3
  19. Dwimmer

    1WHOS EXCITED FOR 1.14 !!! :D :D

    I like just saw the snapshot and the panda's are AMAZING and pillagers and their beasts and everything!!
  20. Dwimmer

    Finally Last Name Change Done

    Ok! So everyone seems to like Freezetic so ive gone with that :D Ive made sure lol nothing is 'rude' about it xD So @nibble if u could pls change my website account name to that, i would appreciate it <3