Search results

  1. sundae22

    Architect Application Format

    Requirements - Citizen or higher rank to apply - Generally follows the server rules - Have experience with multiple build styles - All submitted builds must be original - All submitted builds must be built in creative mode If your appeal is denied, you can reapply in two weeks...
  2. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My third, the build is a small house on a 9x10 plot, outlined in stone slabs. City plot: runc2, owned by @Leroymooshoo312 . Please charge Leroy the transfer costs. Thanks!
  3. sundae22

    Selling Selling am3

    I built a lovely modern mansion for am3 a while back and have decided to sell it. It's located in the beautiful hills of Austrum Island and is fully furnished. It's quite large, about 57x34. The bid will start at $1m, and I'll sell it at pretty much any time so make sure to put in an offer if...
  4. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: Shadow_stalker77's 3rd plot, the house is outlined in red carpet City plot: bunny, at the coords 379 63 -3130. The plot isn't regioned, but it's outlined in stone slabs and has a sign that says "bunnyears14" in front of it. There are some basements, and...
  5. sundae22

    Runnerboro houses report

    Region: runh008 Owner: Nicustolla_YT Region: runh018 Owner: TrumpIsMexican Region: runh920 Owner: VolcanicMC Region: runapt5 Owner: DexterAng Region: rn3 Owner: dwarflyncher Region: rn4 Owner: 3DBlockz Region: runh72 Owner: yankeefan1187 Region: rg2 Owner: jazz450 Region: rn1 Owner...
  6. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: Shadow_stalker77's 3rd plot, the house is outlined in yellow carpet City plot: bunny, at the coords 406 63 -3129. The plot isn't regioned, but it's outlined in stone slabs and has a sign that says "bunnyears13" in front of it I'll pay the transfer costs
  7. sundae22

    bunny houses report

    Region name: bunnyears1 Owner of the region: DexterAng Note: it's a bit tall for the neighborhood Region name: bludhouse-30 Owner of the region: itzKourtney Note: I hate how it's split into several houses, not sure if that can be changed? Sorry if it's one request per post, let me know if you...
  8. sundae22

    Bunny Island Update #4

    Hi, it's been about two months since the last update post. Winter is a busy time for @Shadow_stalker77 and I, but we've been working to improve the island almost daily. Many ideas are in the developmental stage and are not included in this post, but stay tuned to learn about our future plans...
  9. sundae22

    Selling Possibly selling bfactory9

    Hello, I may be selling a massive factory on an 85x56 plot. It'd be perfect for pretty much anything - a factory, warehouse, gigantic store, storage, and stuff like that. Comment your bids below or contact me somehow. Bidding will be closed in a few days, so make sure to bid if you'd like to own...
  10. sundae22

    Player of the Month Poll

    Top nominated players in the nomination thread are listed in the above poll, vote for the player you see deserves Player of the Month! The player with most votes will be announced POTM for a whole month. What are the rewards for becoming POTM? - MVP Rank on the forums for a month, which...
  11. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: am6, owned by @Optic (_GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a modern house made of snow, cyan clay, spruce planks, and coal blocks. It's outlined in light gray carpet and has a sign identifying the house. There's lots of basements, please transfer them as well and...
  12. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: pepville-7, owned by @Optic (_GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a smallish orange and blackish modern house. It's outlined in pink carpet and has a sign identifying the house. There's lots of basements, please transfer them as well and charge _Ginevra for the...
  13. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: h804, owned by CaptainRebelle (@Optic aka _GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a small modern house made of stone and cyan clay. It's outlined in purple carpet/stone slabs and has a sign identifying the house. Please charge _Ginevra for the transfer. Thanks! Note...
  14. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: h804, owned by @Optic (_GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a small modern house made of stone and cyan clay. It's outlined in purple carpet/stone slabs and has a sign identifying the house. Please charge _Ginevra for the transfer. Thanks!
  15. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: pepville-7, owned by @Optic (_GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a smallish orange and blackish modern house. It's outlined in pink carpet and has a sign identifying the house. There's lots of basements, please transfer them as well and charge _Ginevra for the...
  16. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: am6, owned by @Optic (_GinevraWeasley_) From: Arch plot #3, it's a modern house made of snow, cyan clay, spruce planks, and coal blocks. It's outlined in light gray carpet and has a sign identifying the house. There's lots of basements, please transfer them as well and...
  17. sundae22

    Player of the Month Nomination

    What is Player of the Month? - It's an award granted by the community for a player they find friendly or worthy to hold the title. Who to nominate? - The one player you truly enjoyed playing or talking with, whether on the forums or on the server. For being tilt-proof, chill, friendly, trusted...
  18. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 From: arch plot number 3, it's a kinda long and narrow gray modern house cutting into part of a hill To: city plot amh9, owned by Death_Inferno. He'll pay the transfer costs as well. Thank you!
  19. sundae22

    Regioning+Transfer Request

    Regioning Request Username: sundae22 The plot is on my island bunny, the two opposite corner coords are: 665 66 -3125 and 761 66 -3057. Please set the owner of the plot to Shadow_stalker77. Please name the plot EasterIsland (with the caps, thank you). Transfer Request Username: sundae22...
  20. sundae22

    Important Suggestion

    This suggestion is regarding to the section titled "Off-Topic." Please change the title to "Oof-Topic," thank you. :coffee: