Search results

  1. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    City Plot: a61 Note: The already-existing [Rented] signs need to be moved, talk to me in-game.
  2. sundae22

    Face Reveal

    Gabriel wanted me to do a face reveal, so here it is
  3. sundae22

    Hey, it's sundae22!

    In-game name: sundae22 Joined on: December 29, 2016 How I learned about the server: I was watching a TV show about drugs (*cough* Breaking Bad *cough*) and realized that it'd be pretty cool to make drugs in minecraft. So, I searched for servers and finally ended up on McCities. About me: I'm a...
  4. sundae22

    Deposit/Withdraw more than $10,000 at a time

    At /warp bank, you can deposit/withdraw $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000. But, if you're trying to deposit/withdraw large amounts of money (let's say $8m), it'll take 800 clicks. That's over three minutes, for me. It would be convenient to deposit/withdraw $50,000. Maybe I'm just lazy...
  5. sundae22

    Way to Reduce Tp-Killing

    If you are either /tpaing to someone, or /tpaccepting a /tpahere, it should say "You are now teleporting to the Wild/City/End/Nether" for both /tpa and /tpahere. This would possibly reduce the amount of tp-kills (in the wild, at least, so players don't lose their items).
  6. sundae22

    Denied sundae22's Arch App

    Your current in game name: sundae22 Do you have Skype?: Yes Which of your creative plots would you like to submit?: My first plot (brown modern house and brick house). I have two skyscrapers on my 2nd plot, they're not decorated though. There's also some buildings (townhouses, church, city...
  7. sundae22

    Sell large ferns/tallgrass in shop

    I build houses in survival sometimes, and would love to decorate and landscape with the lovely large ferns and tallgrass. Unfortunately, I can't break them in survival (with shears, they drop 2 of their respective shorter plants). Thanks for your consideration!
  8. sundae22

    Denied sundae22's Architect Application

    Your current in game name: sundae22 Do you have Skype?: Yes Which of your creative plots would you like to submit?: I'd like to submit my first plot (a colonial house and a brownish modern house) and my second plot (modern skyscraper). I also built some townhouses and a church at /as tp bunny...
  9. sundae22

    Bunny Island

    I'm the sole owner, mayor, and manager of Bunny Island. The region itself is about 360x315, and the island is a little bit smaller. When I bought it a few weeks ago, it was full of houses, empty plots, and a few skyscrapers. I decided that Bunny Island was perfect to become the first island...
  10. sundae22

    Add warps to private islands

    It would be cool if there was a warp to private islands. The owner of the island could decide if they wanted a warp there. For example, for my island, the warp could be /warp bludhaven (name of the city). I think this would be a good idea so players could look at the island, look at houses for...
  11. sundae22

    Sell just /fly

    It'd be really cool if I could buy just /fly. I don't want a nickname, pets, trails, etc. and would really just like to fly. Adventurer VIP costs $15 per two months and includes /fly, /nick, /repair, and other stuff. Maybe a two-month long access to /fly could cost $5 (or whatever price). I...
  12. sundae22

    /ah is trippy

    Username: sundae22 What you were doing before this occurred: @Gabriel wanted me to make some salt for him. He put 32 sand on /ah for $0. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): I lost $30,000. What happened: I went to buy the sand to make the salt for trump. Then, I clicked "Confirm" and...
  13. sundae22

    Potentially selling a skyscraper

    Hey, I built a skyscraper in creative and am planning on getting it transferred to city-plot2 within a few weeks. I'd like to open up the bidding to the public, in case you aren't online when I advertise that the skyscraper is for sale. The dimensions of the plot is 19x49. The current bid is...
  14. sundae22

    Case Closed Suing Impossibrue

    I am accusing @Impossibrue. He stole gold and iron ingots from my furnaces. Mystic480 will be providing evidence.
  15. sundae22

    Case Closed Suing IronWarrior720

    1. Who are you accusing? @Ironwarrior720 2. What are your claims/accusations? He advertised that he was paying someone $10k to build a 5-story underground farm in creative for him. I said I'd do it, he added me to the plot, and I finished the job in about twenty minutes. Then, he asks if I can...
  16. sundae22

    My property auto-sold

    I was farming my SF plants in the basement of my region bfactory1 when a message popped up, saying that "bfactory1 can be bought for $75000." Alarmed, I quickly did /as buy, losing $75k in the process. I don't have any proof that I owned the property beforehand, but you can ask my neighbor...
  17. sundae22

    Suing _Davina for Murder

    1. Who are you accusing? @_Davina 2. What are your claims/accusations? Normally, I wouldn't sue for murder. I tped to EddyGaming to look at a house he was selling, then _Davina killed me. I think that this is a classic case of tp killing. I'm suing for $15,629.215, the amount that I lost to...
  18. sundae22

    Beetroot Sell Shop

    Players can grow potatoes, carrots, wheat, pumpkins, and melons and sell the crops at /warp shop. But, players can also grow beetroots and should be able to sell them at the same place. I suggest that staff adds a sign at the shop that allows players to sell their beetroots.
  19. sundae22

    Case Closed [Scamming] smallfry1234567

    Who are you accusing? smallfry1234567 What are your claims/accusations? smallfry1234567 agreed to put his house up for sale for $10,000, I checked the price and looked at the sign of the property. It said "Resale: $10,000" or whatever, I bought the house and it turns out that, .2 seconds later...
  20. sundae22

    Bank System

    People usually can't pay upfront for houses in real life, so there should be a mortgage system. I don't know how to make it, I think it would help people though.