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  1. sundae22

    Selling Scrolls and MythicDrop Items

    I'm selling these items, some are part of an auction and some are a set price. I'm not good with prices so please bear with me. Either comment your bids/what you want to buy below or start a conversation with me. Bids will close on Wednesday, November 22. Communal - Chestplate Protection VI...
  2. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    I'm making this request for Nicolebike66, who doesn't have a forums account. Username: Nicolebike66 City Plot: runh003 Please region runh003-1 through 4. The rooms have been made into a rectangle. There are signs outside of the doors and in the lobby and the rooms will cost $450 per week, thanks!
  3. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: AMH1 From: My third plot, it's the gray modern house outlined in black carpet. It's labelled and looks pretty similar to the house that's already in the city, I've just done some changes to the interior. There's lots of basements, please transfer those. Thanks!
  4. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Plot I want it transferred to: fay3 Creative plot: My third plot, it's a gray and white skyscraper outlined in brown carpet. There are signs that show where the front of the building should go. Thanks!
  5. sundae22

    Regioning Request

    I'm making this request for Nicolebike66, who doesn't have a forums account. Username: Nicolebike66 City Plot: runh003 Please region runh003-1 through 4. The rooms have been made into a rectangle. There are signs outside of the doors and in the lobby, thanks!
  6. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Plot I want it transferred to: willi-1 Creative plot: My third plot, it's a skyscraper outlined in yellow carpet. It's labelled. Thanks!
  7. sundae22

    Bunny Island Update #3

    Hi, it's been about a month since the last update post so I figured that I should make another. @Shadow_stalker77 and I have been busy building some lovely amenities for the island. There's plenty more to come, so stay tuned! Here's a list of all the things we added to the island since the last...
  8. sundae22

    Regioning Request

    I'm making this request for Nicolebike66, who's forums account isn't working. Username: Nicolebike66 City Plot: runh003 Please region runh003-1 through 4. There are signs outside of the doors and in the lobby, thanks!
  9. sundae22

    Regioning+Transfer Request

    I have two requests for the same plot. Regioning: Username: sundae22 City Plot: It's on my island bunny at the coords 262 63 -3469. It's pretty big and most of the ground is water, but it'll just be replaced by the transfer below. Anyways, please name the plot FitnessCenter (with the caps like...
  10. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 To: SeaFrontH2 (Owned by @Optic [_GinevraWeasley], she's paying the transfer costs and will comment below) From: My third plot, it's the modern house made of quartz, stone, and glass on a hill outlined in light blue carpets.
  11. sundae22

    Completed Regioning+Transfer Request

    Regioning Request Username: sundae22 Coordinates: 329 63 -3332, on my island bunny (the plot is near the /as tp bunny, too). I made the sign on the backside so you can't see it from the front, please call the plot Chipotle. Set me as the owner, please. Transfer Request Username: sundae22 To...
  12. sundae22

    Completed City->Arch Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 From: bfactory9 To: My third plot, in the arch world. Please put it in the open space near the plot sethome, thanks!
  13. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: urbanhouse6 (Owned by SpookyNinja23, he'll comment below and give permission. He'll also pay the transfer costs.) Creative plot: It's my third plot, in the arch world. It's the cyan clay modern house outlined in cyan carpet. Thanks~
  14. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: BaliSky2, SpookyNinja23 owns the plot and will pay the transfer costs Creative plot: It's my third plot, in the arch plot. It's the skyscraper outlined in stone slabs. There's a lot of basements, please transfer those too.
  15. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 Plot to be regioned: The plot name is bunnyears7 at the coordinates 360 / 63 / -3219. Please set the owner to Shadow_stalker77. Thanks!
  16. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: It's a plot on my island 'bunny,' it'll be called bunnyears9. It's at the coords 372 / 63 / -3269, or is next to bunnyears10. Please set me, sundae22, as the owner. Thanks!
  17. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City Plot: bludmansion-1, owned by huskywolf06. They don't have a forums account so here's the screenshot of them saying it's okay Creative Plot: It's my third plot, in the arch world. It's a house outlined in light gray carpet and has a sign in the...
  18. sundae22

    Bunny Island Update #2

    Hi, I haven't made an update post in a while and figured that I probably should. @Shadow_stalker77 now co-owns bunny (although she hasn't really paid me anything.. hmph). I've been busy and pretty much put the island on hold. Now, I'm ready to continue with improving my largest purchase. Here's...
  19. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: amh19, owned by SpookyNinja23 Creative plot: It's on my third plot, in the arch world. It's the modern house outlined in gray carpet that's labelled with a sign.
  20. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: AMH1, owned by @SurferGirl04 Creative plot: It's my third plot, in the arch world. The border is black carpet and it's there's a sign on it. Thanks!