Search results

  1. sundae22

    City -> Creative Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: JB-Mansion2 To creative plot: /plot home sundae22 6
  2. sundae22

    Regioning Requests

    Please region the following plots on my island, bunny, and set the owner to sundae22 Coordinates & plot name: bludhouse-7 at 495 73 -3202 bludhouse-8 at 433 73 -3210 bludhouse-13 at 423 73 -3231 bludhouse-14 at 422 73 -3247 bludhouse-15 at 422 73 -3264 Please region the following plots on my...
  3. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Making for someone Username: BlazeSkylar Creative plot: /plot home sundae22 3, it's the gray house at -34 65 -1779 To city plot: bunnyears19 BlazeSkylar will pay the transfer costs, thanks!
  4. sundae22

    Transfer Requests

    All of these are city to arch world requests, I just need to decorate the interiors and do landscaping :) Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My sixth City plots: a-frame1, a-frame2, a-frame3, suburb2, suburb3, suburb4, suburb5, JB-Mansion2, sandstone build at 371 63 -3437, "townhouses" at 370 63...
  5. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Making for someone Username: Smilinq From creative plot: sundae22's third plot, it's a gray traditional house at the coords -265 65 -1614 To city plot: gorgetown-mansion2 Smilinq will pay the transfer costs, thank you!
  6. sundae22

    Regioning Requests

    Username: sundae22 Please region the following plots on my island, bunny, and set the owner to Shadow_stalker77. There's signs in front of the plots. bunnyears12 - 430 63 -3130 bunnyears13 - 404 63 -3130, bunnyears14 - 378 63 -3130 bunnyears15 - 352 63 -3130 bunnyears16 - 326 63 -3130...
  7. sundae22

    Architect Guide

    What are architects? Architects design, construct, and decorate buildings. Architects usually have experience with several architectural styles and can build a variety of buildings, like houses, skyscrapers, outdoor areas, and/or terrain. On McCities, players with the Architect rank must be...
  8. sundae22

    Selling Prot 7 diamond leggings

    I'm selling Protection VII, Unbreaking IV diamond leggings with 5 slots. Contact me with offers, starting at $175,000!
  9. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My 3rd plot, it's a gray skyscraper at the coords -73 65 -1619 To city plot: sky205 There's a basement, please transfer it to the city :)
  10. sundae22

    Unofficial building competition for server Architects

    Hello, I'd like to announce the beginning of a building competition for Architects! *This is not a server-sponsored event* The winner of the building competition will receive a plot on my island, bludhouse-29. The plot size is 30x27 (that's including the boundary, so editable space is 28x25)...
  11. sundae22

    Regioning Requests

    These are all on bunny island Username: sundae22 Coordinates: 564 73 -3319, please name it bludhouse-27 and set the owner to Shadow_stalker77 591 73 -3289, please name it bludhouse-29 and set the owner to Shadow_stalker77 536 73 -3294, please name it bludhouse-25 and set the owner to sundae22
  12. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My seventh plot To city plot: mountainhouse-3, owned by @Gjegevey, who will pay the transfer costs
  13. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Making for someone :) Username: legoman0546 Creative plot: legoman0546's 2nd plot To city plot: a45 Lego will pay the transfer costs, thanks!
  14. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Plot in creative: My third, it's outlined in gray carpets and is modern To plot in city: maplemansion
  15. sundae22

    Bugged slimefun machines

    Username: sundae22 What you were doing before this occurred: Setting up some machines What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: 2 auto enchanters Add cords & plot name for slimefun machine bugs: bfactory9, chest with machines are at 14543 71 11904
  16. sundae22

    Region Reports

    Region name: bludhouse-22 Owner of the region: DeTingGoSkrra Region name: bludhouse-24 Owner of the region: Aqql Region name: bludhouse-30 Owner of the region: LavaFlake Region name: bludhouse-6 Owner of the region: Yulissa_ Region name: bludhouse-5 Owner of the region: blackwolf1050 Region...
  17. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My third, it's a gray skyscraper outlined in quartz To city plot: runh3, suhailh owns it Please region the apartments inside the building, I placed signs to indicate prices, etc.
  18. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My third, it's a gray skyscraper outlined in quartz To city plot: runh3
  19. sundae22

    Selling Selling some houses

    I have a few houses for sale and will keep this post updated when I sell/have another house for sale. Contact me somehow (comment on the post, start a conversation with me, message me on discord sundae22#8055, /mail send, /msg) if you're interested in any of these properties. All prices are...
  20. sundae22

    City to Creative Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: mountainhouse3 (owned by sickjoke), there are wool stacks in the corners of the plot Moved to creative plot: My seventh, in the arch world Thank you!