Search results

  1. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: It's a plot on my island 'bunny,' it's called bunnyears2. Coords are 428 / 63 / -3182 (or it's next to bunnyears3). Please set the owner to Shadow_stalker77. Thanks!
  2. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request (City to Arch Plot)

    Username: sundae22 City plot: sre5 Creative plot: It's my third plot, in the arch world. I'm going to do the interior/landscaping. Thanks!
  3. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 I'd like a plot on my island 'bunny' regioned, the coords are 558 / 63 / -3457 (or it's next to suburb4), the plot will be called suburb5. Please set Shadow_stalker77 as the owner of the plot. Thanks!
  4. sundae22

    Accepted sundae22's Arch App

    Your current in game name: sundae22 Do you have Skype?: Yes Which of your creative plots would you like to submit?: I'd like to submit my first plot. There's a modern brownish mansion and a brick and quartz Georgian house. I also built the buildings around the /as tp bunny, if you count...
  5. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 I'd like a plot on my island 'bunny' regioned, it's at the coords 452 / 63 / -3181 (or pretty close to bludsky-7). It's called bunnyears1. Please set the owner to me, sundae22. Thanks!
  6. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 It's a plot on my island bunny, coords are 470 / 73 / -3240 (or it's near bludapts), the plot will be called bludsky-5. Please set me, sundae22, as the owner. Thanks! Sorry, it was a typo in my earlier request :(
  7. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 It's plot on my island bunny, the coords are 463 / 63 / -3184 (or it's near bludshop-1), the plot will be called bludsky-7. Please set me, sundae22, as the owner. Thanks! Also, I have another. It's a plot on my island bunny, coords are 470 / 73 / -3240 (or it's near...
  8. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: I'd like a plot on my island "bunny" to be regioned, it's at the coords 402 / 63 / -3182 and is called bunnyears3 (it's right next to bunnyears4, if you can tp to that). Please set me, sundae22, as the owner of the plot. Thanks!
  9. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: 1, it's the dark brown modern mansion City plot: am3
  10. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 It's a plot on my island bunny, at the coords 530 / 63 / -3453 (it's right next to suburb3, if you can tp to that). The plot is called suburb4. Please set the owner to Shadow_stalker77. Thanks!
  11. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    I have two plots to be regioned on my island 'bunny' and they're right next to each other, figured I'd just make one request. Username: sundae22 Plots bludsky-6 and bludsky-7, at the coords 462 / 73 / -3260 and 430 / 73 / -3260 Please set me, sundae22, as the owner. Thanks!
  12. sundae22

    Stuff for the Rich

    I know people have been talking about 'adding island cities' and stuff, and I completely understand why this wouldn't work. However, I'd like to suggest adding good-sized islands that can't be broken up into smaller plots. Only one plot, the island itself, would be added, and it wouldn't be...
  13. sundae22

    Completed Plot Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 Plot: potato1 (451, 63, -3398) Please set owner to Shadow_stalker77, it's on my island 'bunny'
  14. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 City Plot: It's on my island, bunny, at the coords 470 / 73 / -3240. It's a 27x19 plot called bludsky-5. Please set me as the owner, thanks!
  15. sundae22

    Buying An Island!

    If you have an island, contact me somehow -- start a conversation with me, /mail send, or /msg, I don't care which one. My budget is currently $15.5mil but will increase shortly, and my sister can contribute a little. I know islands are rare, and I may not get one. So, I may consider buying...
  16. sundae22

    Denied Landlord Request/Can't place on my region

    Username: sundae22 City Plot: a61 I'd like to be made landlord of all the regions in the building, I believe there's 10. The apt names are in the lobby but I can post them here if needed. Username: sundae22 City Plot: BaliSky6 I can't place elevators. If it's easier to world edit them in, I'll...
  17. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: a61 There's 101 apartments, sunapt-0 through 100. Sorry for the large number of apts, take your time.
  18. sundae22

    Completed Regioning Request

    sundae22 sky329 There's 38 apartments in the building, each for $1000 per week. Thanks!
  19. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: 2nd plot, it's outlined in light gray carpet and is the skyscraper with "Sun Tower" on the front. City plot you want the build moved to: BaliSky6 There's 13 apartments to be regioned in the building and 4 shops in the lobby. Thanks!
  20. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 City plot: Serenity Please transfer it to my second creative plot somewhere, there should be enough room. Serenity has weird dimensions and I'd prefer to build in creative. Thanks!