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  1. nohomie

    region report

    warned both these players first and they haven't fixed things. h741 : owned by tansy_waxwing (trees on top of house) h736 : owned by starbunnybae (grief and ugly cobblestone addition on quartz house)
  2. nohomie

    took out a loan yesterday but can't remember from who....

    so the title kind of explains it, but i took a 35k loan to be paid back at 40k by next week and i have the cash, just cant remember who it was i took the loan from.... lol lukepatrol was messaging messaging me at the same time and but i dont think it was him...... i think it was another L name...
  3. nohomie

    Completed Transfer to jb101

    never made a transfer request before so bare with me if you need more information. Username: kirspy Creative plot: /plot home 2 (block -1955, 66, 1606) City plot you want the build moved to: jb101 i want to transfer the light house that is surrounded by orange wool, the wool is outside the...
  4. nohomie

    please tell me this exists in world somewhere and if so where

    was this transferred into the world? is there a giant 8 bit statue garden somewhere that im missing?!?! this is awesome by the way :)
  5. nohomie

    runnerboro improvements

    I would have commented directly in the election thread but its probably a good idea to have started a new one anyways. i feel like i need to preface this and say i'm certainly not trying to cause drama, but I do have a building there on a main street and i'm curious if someone from the...
  6. nohomie

    vehicle disappearing from lag when placing

    This is the second time this has happened today. I understand there is no way to prove it but I expect to be given an Orange bike. The lag has gotten unbearable on this server and is causing a host (pun intended) of problems. Block lag happens multiple times a minute. Twice today when placing my...
  7. nohomie

    buying clay balls, bricks, and quartz blocks

    i need clay brick blocks and quartz blocks for an interior remodel. willing to pay 250 a stack for clay balls, 1k a stack for bricks, and will take offers for stacks of quartz blocks. please reply here and we can figure out how to coordinate in game.
  8. nohomie

    how much damage can vehicles take?

    how much damage can my helicopter take before someone breaks it? how about the tank? does anyone really know? :)
  9. nohomie

    Case Closed Murder Case

    i dont know how to delete this lol. dude killed me tho and the cops did nothing, yall should check that.
  10. nohomie

    bedrock raises your temp

    so just figured this kinda interesting thing out, if you stand on the bed rock your temperature goes up. ive got a room on the bottom floor that had no blocks on top of the bedrock and when i stand in there my temp is generally like 70 + degrees and eventually i start getting nausea and...
  11. nohomie

    how the digital miner works

    This is prolly really dumb, but for someone like me who never played SlimFun and honestly the gitHub on it isn't super informative, hopefully this is a useful tip for anyone who wondered. I'm really bad with names but that Dino dude and someone else helped me figure out that the digital miner...