Ww3 might happen at this point


Dec 21, 2019
Or at least an American vs iran war. Both countries are threatning to attack each other if things escalate. Both countries are planning to attack and or do missle strikes on each other's capital cities, and Iran forces say that if America attacks them again, they will attack the white house. Trump says if they do that, America will strike Iran in 52 cultural locations. Iran responded to this by demanding a 800,000 USD reward for trumps head. Things just got real, and I live in America, so I'm scared af right now and don't know where else to vent.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
I personally do not believe Iran will start a war, at all a world war.
America has the strongest military force globally, Iran isnt even in the top ten.
Plus world war really means the whole world is at war, I think America can deal with this if something happens.
You'll be okay


Staff member
Aug 12, 2018
United States
I'm Not saying that this is a bad thread, However, I will say that I personally believe that real life politics shouldn't be implemented in Cities, Just to prevent conflict.


Or at least an American vs iran war. Both countries are threatning to attack each other if things escalate. Both countries are planning to attack and or do missle strikes on each other's capital cities, and Iran forces say that if America attacks them again, they will attack the white house. Trump says if they do that, America will strike Iran in 52 cultural locations. Iran responded to this by demanding a 800,000 USD reward for trumps head. Things just got real, and I live in America, so I'm scared af right now and don't know where else to vent.
First, if you live in the US mainland, you have nothing to worry about. Let me give a quick analysis of 1) Whats happened and 2) How a war would play out.

So, President Trump ordered an airstrike to kill Qasem Soleimani, a commander in the Quds Force and a general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. To put this in comparison, Soleimani could be compared to the Vice President or Secretary of Defense in the Untied States. Soleimani was responsible for the killing and injuring of many Americans and Iraqi forces, was planning attacks on US diplomats and citizens, and was responsible for the attack on the US embassy in Baghdad over the weekend. Iran is a theocracy (aka where priests rule in the name of a God). Iran denies people basic human rights, including the persecution of many in the LGBTQ community, silences dissent by force, and treats women horribly.

There are many ways for Iran to respond. For any person in their right mind, it would not be a good idea to attack US assets (bases, ships, etc) or American military personnel. I have no doubt if this happens President Trump will quickly target Iran with missile strikes (which would lead to devastating consequences for a failing regime). More than likely, Iran will not attack. However, they will most likely use cyber attacks, influence campaigns, and using forces in Iraq to attack our personnel.

However, you have nothing to worry about. No country(s) are going to dare try to attack the United States, defeat the military, overthrow the government, and try to invade the mainland. Remember, Iran (who's economy is failing) wouldn't last very long against the United States. If someone would try to attack the US mainland we are protected by a very sophisticated system of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Let's not forget, if a military tried to invade the US mainland it would be nearly impossible. This military would have to fight over 300 million Americans (a lot who are gun owners and are willing to fight), go through multiple climates and natural barriers, and coordinate across multiple timezones.

As for allies of Iran, Russia, China, and other countries wouldn't risk themselves over a US-Iranian War. Yes, Russia might provide support, supplies, and try to fight the US in a proxy war, but Russia's economy is not doing very well and they're not going to risk a war with The United States. China's economy is also not doing well, but they're not going to risk their prosperity for a middle eastern war (they would see this as a chance to leverage President Trump in the current trade war).

So nothing to worry about if we do go to war (highly unlikely). The war would end very quickly.