Search results

  1. Turkey

    Heated - Fix

    Today, I have come forth with a proposition to make all happy. Lets #nerftaxi (this was just a joke, and in all seriousness, Taxi driver needs to be removed or something needs to be done with it)
  2. Turkey

    New Job - Chef

    Hey there! Today, I'm proposing a new job - chef. Currently, we can o to places like Mcdonalds or the shop to easily buy food with almost no thought, but what if it was a little more realistic in the sense that there was a certain amount of 'stock' (like doctors). If players over bought the...
  3. Turkey

    Terrain Tutorials

    Hey its TurkeyPurple! I was just wondering ... how many of you are interested in some build tutorials? I wouldn't mind making a YT channel explaining how to do some basic terraforming. Even it gets popular enough, I could even ask some other builders or arch's to make their own tutorials as...
  4. Turkey

    [!] Build Competition [!]

    Build Competition Hey guys, it's PurpleTurkey! Today, what you are reading right now, may be your time to shine! Microsoft, will be hosting another competition - and this time in the form of a build comp! Seems cool right? Let's get to the details! Why you WANT to do this Believe me, I know...
  5. Turkey

    Buying Buying lvl 3-4 scrolls!

    I am buying lvl 3-4 scrolls! Any scroll, for armor or weapons will be purchased (as long as it's not weaken). Send me a convo if you are selling a scroll (and its price) :P
  6. Turkey

    Buying Buying Cheese!

    Buying cheese ! Send me a private convo if you are selling, and we can determine a price : p . It's preferable to buy in bulk ;) Dear Kiri, if you are reading this, please make DF cheese edible :P
  7. Turkey

    Selling Want to buy an ISLAND ?

    Hey guys !! Around a month ago, I bought Tucker77Island, and I had bbbiiiigg plans for it. Unfortunately, after I bought the island I had basically no money and only my essential plots. After that, I started focusing more on Microsoft/Banana and I was developing more sf items for the company...
  8. Turkey

    Hello There

    Hello there! I am PurpleTurkey, but I'm also known as TurkeyPurple! I love cheese and I pretty much obsess over it. I have been playing the server since February, but I only got around to making this now XD. Ingame, I don't really have much of a 'family' xD. I am Death Inferno's pet (I guess...
  9. Turkey

    Inactivity ):

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I will be inactive for around a month (or until school starts again ). ): Fortunately, nothing bad happened, I am actually going to Mexico for a bit, then some family will be over. I will be able to join the server for some short intervals, and most...
  10. Turkey

    Lost My Mythic Axe ...

    Username: PurpleTurkey What you were doing before this occurred: Pvp 'ing What you've lost (Only if you lost something): My Mythic Axe ... How it occurred: Normally, I know that a lot of these weapons and such are eaten up by SF foods, but while I was pvp'ing I...
  11. Turkey

    Microsoft - Update July 11

    Company Update! So, here is all the latest news about Microsoft! Please take the time to consider everything, and shop Microsoft! Important News (PLEASE READ) - League of Companies. Microsoft, google, and Apple created the first tech league to discuss sales and company management. It's a good...
  12. Turkey

    Accepted PurpleTurkey's Teacher Application !

    What is your rank on the server? - Architect / used to be millionaire (but now citizen rip) What is your /ar check time? my /ar time is : 15 days , 10 hours, and 15 minutes. How often can you play on the server? I play on this server atleast one hour a day, but since it's summer, I have been...
  13. Turkey

    Selling Selling Smart Watches !

    Announcement ! Microsoft / Banana is almost officially open! This means you can stop by and buy Smart Watches for only 15k ! To buy one you can contact any of Banana's higher staff or Cp42 and I (PurpleTurkey) !
  14. Turkey

    Microsoft Raffle ! (100k)

    For the Fourth of July, Microsoft/Banana will be doing a raffle give away of 100k ! Anyone can enter as long as they are rank Citizen or above ! To enter all you need to do ... is comment your ign, in game rank (citizen, rich, executive, etc), and why you love Fourth of July (not needed if you...
  15. Turkey

    Pokémon M3mes!

    Hey guys, just wanted to share my meme collection. I have more, so if you guys like these let me know :P (There may be some in appropriate language in these memes, I have not reviewed all of them and this is a warning) Enjoy these m3mes
  16. Turkey

    Banana / Microsoft - Staff Applications & Guide

    Welcome to the future :D ! In response to the release of smart watches and Gabriel's "Apple", cp42 and I have decided to found our own company! A lot of people may think that this is just a 'role play thing', but we will actually be selling tons of items in game when we open ! What to expect -...
  17. Turkey

    Banana / Microsoft

    Welcome to the future :D ! In response to the release of smart watches and Gabriel's "Apple", cp42 and I have decided to found our own company! A lot of people may think that this is just a 'role play thing', but we will actually be selling tons of items in game when we open ! What to expect -...
  18. Turkey

    Temporary Inactivity

    Summer has started ! (WOO) !! Over the last week or so, I have been very active ingame and I have tried to play on the server as much as I can <3, but now that it's a few weeks into summer, it's time for the camps to start xD. Starting tomorrow (since posting this) I have two weeks of summer...
  19. Turkey

    Lawsuit against Niki___

    Offender: Niki____ (4 underscores) Offense: Owes me 30k. I was buying a house/plot from her for 170k, but it was on sale for 200k. She even admitted that she forgot to set it to 170k. There was/is no as/buy sign on the plot and I myself could not tell what the price was. I'm not sure if it...
  20. Turkey

    Skyscraper Build Needed - For Arch(s)

    Hello! I currently own sky4, which is 18x32 and in /warp city. I need an architect to build an apartment complex for the plot. I am willing to pay a reasonable about, though that can be decided in a conversation. If you are up to the task, please send me a convo on the forums/here :)